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Today, we're going to learn about a little boy in India who, for a time, seemed like he was the worst behaved kid on the planet. But the truth was, that little boy had a huge secret. When his secret got out, it changed everything anyone thought they knew about this boy. And it prompted all these big-time college professors from major universities all around the world to personally fly to India to investigate this kid's claims because the implications of what he was saying were massive. But before we get into that story, if you're a fan of the Strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format, then you've come to the right place because that's all we do, and we upload once a week. So if that's of interest to you, Please replace the Like Buttons roll on deodorant ball with a single clove of garlic. Also, please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads. Okay, let's get into today's story. Late one afternoon in December of 1986, A woman named Shanty Sing was sitting on her bed, cradling her toddler son, whose name was Titu, as he threw a huge temper tantrum.


Titu, who was three years old, had already been throwing this tantrum for about 30 minutes at this point, and it didn't seem like anything Shanty did was getting him to calm down. In fact, honestly, it just seemed like Titu was getting worse and worse by the second. Shanty knew her son's constant whaling must be annoying her neighbors in the little rural village in Northern India where they lived. But again, Shanty just felt like, really, there was nothing she could do. After all, this was not a typical toddler tantrum. Titu was not throwing this tantrum because he lost a toy or was fighting with his siblings or something. No, the reality was Shanty and her husband had no idea why Titu was throwing this tantrum because Titu threw these tantrums all the time for seemingly no reason, and nothing they did would get him to stop. He would just start throwing these crazy fits, and he would only stop when he was ready. Now, Shanty and her husband had taken Titu to the local doctor, and he'd been examined, and the doctor said, Look, I think your son's just fine. I can't find anything wrong with him.


So whatever's causing him to be so upset, it's got to be psychological. Shanty grabbed her son and tried to give him a hug and kiss to get him to calm down. But as she did that, Titu turned around and tried to hit her in the face and kicked her and punched her. And so Shanty had to fall back on the bed. And Titu, at this point, is still throwing this huge tantrum. He leapt off the bed and ran out of the room. Now, Shanty had already sent the rest of her family, her kids, her husband, outside to wait out this current Titu tantrum. And so for a second, Shanty thought about just laying on the bed and letting her crazy toddler just run around the house until he was done throwing this tantrum. But as Shanty was laying there on the bed, practically crying from frustration, she heard a plate break in the kitchen. And so she jumped up and ran into the kitchen, and there was Titu looking down at the ground where there was a shattered plate on the ground. Clearly, Titu had smashed it on purpose. And so as furious as Shanty was, she suddenly realized that nothing she could do is going to get this kid to stop.


And so right now, the only thing she could do was just put him in a safe place where he couldn't hurt other people or himself or damage anything else. And so Shanty, trying to be as calm as possible, walked up to Titu, who's still throwing this tantrum and swinging at her as she's coming near him, and she grabbed him, she turned him around so he couldn't kick her or punch her. She put him into his room and then shut the door, and then she sat down in the hallway with her back up against the door to keep it shut. And then as Titu inside the room, began banging on the door and trying to open it, Shanty's sitting there anchoring the door, and she's just praying that her son is going to calm down soon. And then at some point, Shanty heard her son start to say something that typically signaled the end of a tantrum. Titu in the bedroom, began saying the word 's hirsvorma', which actually was a nonsense word that Shanty and her husband and the other kids had no idea what it meant. But Titu, at the end of his tantrums, he would always just start saying over and over again, 'Shushverma, Shushverma, Shushverma, Shushverma.


' And so Shanthi, she's in the hall and she's hearing Titu start to do that. And so on the one hand, she's thinking, Okay, this tantrum is about to end. But on the other, she's like, 'I have no idea what that word means. It's obviously connected in some way to what's going on with my son, but I have no idea what it means. It sounds like nonsense. ' And so Shanthi began yelling through the door at Titu to explain what 'Shushverma' meant, but Titu had no explanation. He just kept saying the word over and over again. 'S hirsvurma, 's hirsvurma, 's hirsvurma, 's hirsvurma. Shanty and her husband had five other kids. Titu was the youngest, and Titu was not like any of his other siblings. The other siblings did not throw temper tantrums like this. Not at all. And in fact, Titu had been a difficult child even before he was born. Towards the end of Shanty's pregnancy with Titu, she'd become very, very sick, and in fact, had to be hospitalized for the entire last trimester. And then as a newborn baby, Titu basically didn't sleep at all, and he cried constantly. And so Shanty and her husband initially thought, Titu must just be a very fussy baby.


But in time, as he grew into more of a toddler, it was clear to Shanty and her husband that Titu was actually a different kid. He seemed like a very unhappy and angry kid who was permanently on the verge of crying or throwing a fit. But it wasn't until Titu began talking at around two years old that Shanthi and her husband really started to become worried because the things Titu was saying as a two-year-old were just not in keeping with what you would expect a two-year-old to say. I'm not talking about the nonsense word that Titu would use during his temper tantrums, Shushverma. Basically, Titu would say things that seemed to indicate that he genuinely hated everyone in his family. Now, for context, Shanty and her family were not poor, but they weren't rich either. They lived in a little concrete home. They didn't have a TV or a car, and all the kids wore hand me down clothes, and Shanty actually handmade her clothes and her husband's clothes. But the family always had enough food to eat, and they were educated, and they seemed happy enough. It's just that they didn't really have the ability to do anything extra, like above and beyond a modest life.


Titu had never known anything different. This was his life from the day he was born. But when he learned to speak at around two years old, it was like all Titu wanted to talk about was how crappy of a lifestyle their family lived. For example, when Titu's mom, Shanty, would put on one of her saris that happened to be ripped, a sari is a traditional garment in India, Titu would look at what she was wearing, and in toddler speak, he would tell her that she looked terrible and that it looked like she was just wearing rags. Titu would also walk around their house, and he would point to spots in the house that looked dirty, and he would demand that somebody cleaned it up because he didn't want to live in a dirty house. Then whenever the family needed to go somewhere and they would walk there or take the bus there, Titu would complain the entire time that he wanted to be in a car, and why aren't we driving in a car? Why are we walking? Despite the fact that Titu basically had never used a car before. But perhaps the strangest aspect of Titu's behavior was Around the time he began talking and insulting his family, he also began talking about this very historic city called Agra, which was located about eight miles away from where they lived.


Agra was famous for being home to the Taj Mahal, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings ever made. Agra also has a very busy downtown and lots of tourism. But Titu had never been to Agra, and there was no reason he would be drawn to Agra. Like his family had no connection to that city. But starting around the time Titu began walking at two years old, he began asking to go to Agra several times a week. When his parents would say, No, we're not going to go to Agra, Titu would throw a huge tantrum. And so not long after Titu had begun speaking and saying all these terrible things, Shanty and her husband decided that really all they could do was just wait and hope their son grew out of this terrible behavior. But Titu did not grow out of this. Shortly after his parents decided to just wait it out, Titu would randomly the attack, another small child with a sugarcane, and he beat the kid so badly, the kid was bleeding at the end of the attack. And then also another time, shortly after the sugarcane beating, Titu was at the store with his mother, and his mom was looking at this bracelet, which she couldn't afford.


She was just looking at it through the glass. And Titu sensed his mom wanted the bracelet. And in an odd show of affection for his mother, he turned to the shopkeeper, this little tiny kid who's not even three years old yet. And he tells the shopkeeper that if he doesn't give this bracelet his mother for free, that Titu will shoot and kill the shopkeeper. And so after this, Shanthi and her husband just stopped taking Titu out in public at all. It was just too embarrassing. But what really just unsettled Shanthi the most about her son's behavior was that nonsense word that Titu kept saying at the end of all of his tantrums, 'Shosh verma, Shosh verma. ' and so fast forward to that day after he's broken the plate and now Shanty's put him in his room, Titu began saying that nonsense word, except he was getting a little bit older and his speech was getting a little bit more clear. And so as Shanty was laying up against the door, she realized that her son was not saying a single word, 'Shosh verma. ' He was saying two words. They were 'Shoresh verma. ' But Shanty had no idea what that meant.


She thought it sounded like a name, but it was a name she had never heard before. But one day, a few months after the dish-breaking incident, in April of 1987, all of Titu's very strange, erratic, terrible behaviors would erupt all at once. That April day started out like any other. Shanty made breakfast for her family, and then her husband headed out to do some errands, and her six children dispersed around the inside and outside of the house to play, study, whatever. But Titu was really grouchy, and so he stayed inside in the kitchen with Shanty. A little while later, Shanty's oldest son came into the kitchen and he asked his mother, Hey, when will dad get back from his trip to Agra? Shanty's husband had gone to Agra to run one of his chores, and was the city that Titu was totally obsessed with. And so when Shanty's oldest son said the word Agra, Titu, who was sitting in the kitchen, he heard it and looked up like he was totally fixated on their conversation. And then as Shanty and her oldest were talking about the dad, Titu just got up, left the kitchen, and he went to his room.


He grabbed a couple of things, and then he came back into the kitchen carrying this bundle of clothes with him. And he walked right past his brother and his mother. He went out the front door and began running down the road without saying a word. Remember, this is like a three-year-old child. This is not a teenager. This is a little kid. Shanty and her oldest son, they watched in shock as Titu ran off down the road, and for a minute, neither of them did anything. Then it was like they broke out of their trance, and the oldest son just turned and began running out of the house to catch up with Titu. Now, it didn't take long for the oldest to catch up with his young brother, but it was surprisingly hard to stop Titu from trying to run away. He fought back as hard as he could to keep his brother from pulling him back to the house. Then when the older brother got Titu back inside, Shanty looked at her older son, and she saw he had a black eye from where Titu had just hit him. When Shanty turned to Titu to try to get him to apologize to his brother for hitting him, she saw Titu was completely inconsolable.


He was throwing a huge temper tantrum. He was on the ground, kicking and flailing and screaming at the top of his lungs. Shanty and her oldest son knew there was no hope in getting him to calm down. He was deep into one of his tantrums. And so Shanty and the oldest just basically restrained Titu so he couldn't hurt himself or one of them or damage anything. And for a while, as they held him to the ground, Titu just continued to scream and flail and throw this fit. But eventually, he had calmed down, and he began saying, Suresh Firmah, Suresh Firmah, over and over again. But then he began talking about something that he really hadn't brought up before that stood out to Shanty and her oldest son. Titu, in addition to saying periodically, Suresh Firmah, Suresh Firmah, also began talking about some radio store in Agra. Titu kept saying, Why didn't dad bring me to the radio store? Why didn't he bring me? As Shanty is listening to her son, she suddenly thinks, You know what? This is my chance. He's being so specific about this radio store. Maybe this is my opportunity to lean in and learn what the heck is going on with my kid.


And so once Titu fully stopped his temper tantrum and Shanty and her oldest could finally let go of him, once Titu had left the room, Shanty turned to her oldest son, and she told him to go to Agra right now, just go there and look for a radio store or something. Look for anything that could be a clue to what's going on with Titu. He obviously has some fixation with the city. Just go, look around, see if you can find something. So the oldest son left the house, and he went to one of his friends' houses who had a car, and together they drove into Agra. Now, Shanty had no idea if her oldest son's trip to Agra would produce anything useful, but she figured she's got to lose. A few hours later, when Shanty's oldest son returned from Agra, he came into their home with a very serious look on his face. Right away, Shanty could tell, clearly, he's discovered something. And so Shanty asked her oldest son, Tell me, what did you learn? What happened in Agra? And the oldest son, he looked down for a second, and then he looked back at his mom and he just said, Tomorrow, we're going to have visitors.


Are you a fan of the Strange, dark, and mysterious? If so, then you're in luck because our massively popular show, The Mr. Ballon podcast, which since the end of 2022 has been exclusively on the Amazon Music platform, is now available on all podcast platforms, and it's free. There are over 200 episodes in the back catalog of this show, and of those 200, at least half of them have never been told on YouTube. They are only available on the podcast. You can find those exclusive episodes by looking for the words podcast exclusive in the individual episode title. So again, the highly popular Mr. Ballin podcast is once again available on all podcast platforms, and it is free. To listen, just search for the Mr. Ballen podcast on Amazon Music or wherever else you get your podcasts, and then give the show a follow, and then start your binge. Oh, and also, if you are one of the amazing people who subscribe to Amazon Music to follow the Mr. Ballen podcast when it went exclusive, don't give up your membership just yet because there still huge perks for listening to the show on Amazon Music. With your Prime membership, you can listen to new episodes of the Mr.


Ballen podcast 30 days early and ad-free on Amazon Music. But again, the show is now available on all podcast platforms and It really is free. So thank you so much. Have a nice binge. The next day, a car pulled up in front of Shanty's home, and six people climbed out. There was a woman wearing a a beautiful red sari who appeared to be in her 30s. And then there were three other men who also appeared to be in their 30s, and they were all wearing suits and jackets. And there was also an older couple, a man and a woman, and the man was wearing this beautiful sweater, and the woman had on all this silk. It was clear, just from the way they looked, that these six people were not from this area. They were from somewhere else, and they had a ton of money. Now, Shanty was inside the house, and she was watching this group arrive, but she did not go outside to greet them. She, her husband, and all of her kids, minus Titu, had decided the night before when they knew these visitors were going to arrive, that they wouldn't go out and talk to them.


Instead, they would just allow Titu to basically make first contact with these people and see what happens. So when Shanty saw this group of six very well-off people were standing right outside of their gate, waiting to be let in, she called for Titu and said, Hey, go outside and open the gate for our guests. And so Titu, who was not throwing a fit at this point, he came He's walking through the house and he went to the door. He's not looked outside yet. He opens up the door and he runs outside and he sees these six people on the other side of the gate. And suddenly Shanty heard Titu make a sound that he never made. It was like the sound of pure joy. He was so elated to see these six people. Shanty couldn't believe it. For a second, Shanty closed her eyes and almost started crying because she knew even before Titu had made that joyous sound when he saw these people, they were about to to solve the mystery of what was going on with her son. Just then, Shanty heard Titu from outside, yelling for Shanty and the rest of his family to come outside and meet his other family.


Shanty went to the door and gestured for the guests to come inside, and then she led them through the house to the back deck. Then after they were all seated, Shanty looked over at her son, Titu, and she saw he had this huge grin on his face. He was so happy, and he was staring intently at the woman who got out of the car who was in her in her 30s and wearing the beautiful red sari. She was sitting right across the table from Titu, and Titu is just locked on her. Now, at this point, nobody is speaking. Everybody is just sitting there. No introductions have been made, so nobody even knows each other's names. In this tense and awkward silence, Titu, who, again, is just staring at this woman in red, he eventually breaks the silence, the three-year-old child, and he asks the woman in red to come sit next to him. The woman in the red sari, she does what he asks and moves over and sits next to the toddler. Then Titu looked up at her and he smiled and he said, Do you know who I am? And the woman, she's looking down at him and she said, No, I don't.


And Titu would look back up at her and he would say, I know who you are. You're Uma. And at this, the woman in red, whose name really was Uma, she gasped. She had no idea how this kid knew who she was. But before she could even say anything, Titu continued. And he said to her, Hey, do you remember when we went to the fair with Ranu and Sanu and I bought you those sweets? And at this, the woman in the red sari, Uma, she had this new look come over her face. Instead of looking like she was just shocked and appalled that this random kid knew who she was, now it was like a look of shocked recognition as she's looking down at Titu. Like she suddenly understood what was actually going on. At the same time, Titu's mother, Shanty, was watching this happen, and she was piecing together what was really going on here. Suddenly, she realized she needed to check something. She got up and she ran out of the room, and she came back with scissors. Without saying anything, Shanty went straight to Titu. She pushed his head to the side, exposing his right ear, and she used those scissors and began cutting all the hair off his head that was drooped over his right ear, exposing the right side of his skull.


As the hair on Titu's head fell to the ground, exposing more and more of the right side of his head, all the adults watching just gasped, and the whole time, Titu was just smiling. To understand what just happened out on that back porch between these random people and Shanty and her family, you need some context. Here's what happened when Shanty's oldest son was sent to Agra to go investigate and look for clues that could explain what was going on with Titu. The brother and his friend had driven all around Agra, looking for radio stores and looking for things that might in some way connect to Titu, and they didn't see anything. But at some point, they drove past one of the many radio stores in Agra, and the name of this radio store immediately stood out to the brother and this friend. So the older brother and the friend, they parked their car and they went into this particular radio shop, and inside of there is where they met Uma, the woman who had the red sari on who was in her 30s that Titu said he went to the fair together with, that woman.


So she's inside this radio shop. And when the older brother asked Uma how this radio shop got its name, that was when things began to fall into place for this older brother about what was going on with Titu. Uma would tell the older brother that this radio shop actually belonged to her husband, except three and a half years ago, he was murdered. He was shot and killed. And so she had been running the shop ever since. Uma said she had considered changing the name of the shop, since taking it over, but she just couldn't bring herself to change it because the shop's name was actually based on her husband's name. The name of the shop was Suresh Radio Shop. Her husband's name was Suresh Firma. The two words that Titu would say all the time at the end of his tantrums, Suresh Firmah, Suresh Firmah. That was Uma's husband. It would turn out the details of Suresh's death matched up in a very bizarre way with Titu's birth. All of Titu's totally erratic, strange, terrible behavior throughout really his entire life to this point now suddenly made sense if you knew about Suresh's life. Many people, including professors from major universities in India and America, have come to believe that what happened with Titu was when Suresh was murdered, his spirit somehow came out of his body and entered Titu's body.


Basically, Suresh was reincarnated in Titu. This reincarnation theory would explain why Titu was always saying Suresh Verma, because in theory, that was his real name. That's the guy who died, who then his spirit transitioned to Titu. So he's saying his name over and over again. And then also Titu's obsession with Agra would make sense because that's where Suresh's radio shop was and where he lived. Also, the reincarnation theory would explain why Titu was so critical of Shanty and the rest of his family's lifestyle, basically accusing them of being poor and living below his station. Well, Suresh's family was very, very wealthy, and so that was the lifestyle Suresh had lived. And so if his spirit was now in Titu's body, he might be at odds with their lifestyle. And lastly, the reincarnation theory would explain the two very unique and very pronounced birthmarks that Titu had right next to his right ear. He had one right above his right ear and right below it. Now, these were birthmarks that Shanty was well aware of. But after she learned about how Suresh Verma was killed, killed. He was shot in the side of his head, and the bullet went in above his right ear and then came out on the bottom part of his right ear, right here.


When she heard that, she ran and got the scissors. She cut the hair away around Titu's ear, revealing the two birth marks. Then the other family saw those birth marks, and they're like, Oh, my goodness. That is literally where the entry and exit wounds were on Suresh. Then also, it's worth pointing out that on the day Suresh was shot and killed, well, basically that day was when Titu's mother, Shanty, began feeling really sick during her pregnancy with Titu, and she had to be hospitalized. After this discovery about Titu and Suresh Firmah, Shanty and her husband and the rest of her family expected Titu to want to live with Uma and his other family. At first, that is what Titu wanted to do. But pretty quickly, he actually decided that, You know what? I want to stay put with the family I was born into, and we can just visit with the other family. That's what they did. Uma and the other wealthy family They made visits all the time to see T2, and vice versa. The families got along great. As for T2, he was really happy. His bad behavior basically went away, and he became a normal high functioning kid.


T2 has grown up and become a very happy successful adult. He's got a family of his own, and he's currently a professor at a college in India. In the very early morning hours of December 26, 1980, airman Steve Lungaro was on a foot patrol at the Royal Air Force Base near Rendelsham Forest in the UK. As Lungaro walked along, suddenly this alarm sounded across the base. Based on the sound of this alarm, Lungaro knew this was not a drill. And so instinctively, he turned and began sprinting towards his assigned firing position right along the perimeter of the base. As Lungaro ran towards his position, he looked around him and he saw hundreds of other soldiers doing the exact same thing. But once Lungaro actually reached his firing position and looked out, looking for the threat that's coming into the base, he realized he didn't see anything. But then when he turned to look at his colleagues to ask them what's going on here, he noticed everybody else was not even looking outside the base. They We were looking off to the side towards Rendelsham Forest because there was something out there hovering in the trees that was casting this very eerie red light over everything.


This was just the beginning of what would go on to be one of the most credible and unsettling paranormal events in history. If you want to hear this absolutely crazy story, then you need to check out one of our newest podcasts out of Fall in Studios. It's called the Bedtime Stories podcast, and they're the ones that cover this story. The name of this episode episode is the Rendlesham Forest Incident, and they just published it a couple of days ago. Look up the Bedtime Stories podcast on any podcast platform, give them a follow, and then start listening. Enjoy. So that's going to do it. If you enjoyed today's story, be sure to check out our podcast called the Mr. Ballen podcast, where we have hundreds more stories a lot like this one. You can listen to the Mr. Balin podcast on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Enjoy. Wait, don't go anywhere. If you're looking for more strange, dark, and mysterious videos, click here.