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Today's story comes out of China, and it is a brutal story. There's just no way to tell it without being graphic. With that in mind, this is definitely a mature audiences-only type of story. That said, it is a fascinating story, and the ending is something that very few of you are going to see coming. It's going to feel predictable throughout most of the story, and then it's like the end completely changes your impression of the story. But before we get into that story, if you're a fan of the Strange, dark, and mysterious delivered in story format, then you've come to the right place because that's all we do, and we upload once a week. If that's of interest to you, please offer to power wash the Like Buttons house, but be sure you set the machine all the way up so you blow off their shingles and blast all their paint off, and then you just leave. Just leave it as is. Also, please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads. Okay, let's get into today's story. One Saturday afternoon in November of 1990, a 26-year-old kindergarten teacher named Sue Lecia sat crying on a bench at a train station in the city of Naha, which is located in northeastern China.


Su had just left her husband for good. They had had a bad marriage for a long time. It was very contentious. They fought all the time. And that morning, they had gotten into this major fight. For Sue, it was like the final straw. She just stormed into the bedroom, grabbed some things, threw it in a bag, and just stormed out. She was done. But Sue really didn't have a plan for what she was going to do once she left the house. She found herself just sitting at this train station doing nothing, just staring at the trains rolling in and out over and over again. As she sat there, again, not knowing what she's going to do, she suddenly took stock of the fact that very few people were getting on and off of these trains. In fact, the train station itself was It's weirdly vacant. The city of Naha, where Hsu was, was actually fairly small by China's standards, even though there was 70,000 people that lived there. The city sat at the base of this towering mountain, and then all around the city in the outskirts was basically just farmland. With lots of soy and corn crops.


Then as you move closer to the city center, there were lots of things you would expect to see in a city like tall buildings and residential and commercial areas. But overall, Naha was just boring. It's like the city was a city, even if it was small, but there was just not much going on. In fact, if you lived in China but not in Naha, there was a very good chance you didn't know Naha even existed. It was irrelevant. However, in the last few months leading up to this moment that Su is sitting at this train station, the city of Naha had suddenly been put on the map, and everybody knew about this city because women from Naha were going missing in droves. In fact, Sue herself knew of at least a dozen women who had gone missing over the past few months from Naha. As these women started going missing, it was making the news all over the country. Women who lived in Naha were acutely aware of the risks of being out alone in fear that somebody was going to come snatch them up and take them away. In fact, every time Sue would go to work, she would make sure she would walk with other women, like in pairs, to ensure safety.


I mean, this was a really scary time if you were a woman living in Naha. However, the caveat to the missing women was all of them to this point when Sue was sitting at the train station had been sex workers. Sue, she thought In virtue of not being a sex worker and instead being a kindergarten teacher, that somehow she was not actually that vulnerable to being snatched up or whatever was happening to these women. She just felt like it wouldn't happen to her. But now, as Sue sat at this train station, which again was eerily quiet and vacant, she couldn't help but feel like she had made a bad decision being here. She felt like she could easily become the next woman who went missing from Naha. So Sue began to think, Maybe I should just go back home and try to patch things up with my husband, mostly her safety, just to go back inside her home and be safe again. But before she could stand up to do that, she noticed on the other end of the platform, this man who was exceptionally well dressed with this beautiful brown wool coat and fancy pants, he looked like he stepped straight out of a fashion magazine.


He came up onto the train platform, and without saying a word, he walked slowly down the platform all the way to where Sue was, and he reached into his pocket, and he held out a tissue to her because he saw she was crying. Sue, she's looking up at the sky, and again, there's nobody else here, and she's very much on edge, and she doesn't know what to do. I mean, it was already creepy that this place was vacant, but it's even stranger to have a random man come up to her and try to initiate some interaction with her. It just felt wrong and weird and very suspicious. But as Sue He had just staring at this guy, trying to figure out what his angle was, she could see that he had kept himself standing back from her, a respectful distance, not trying to crowd her out. And he was looking at her with a very sympathetic look on his face, and he's holding this tissue out. And he said to her, Are you okay? And he hands the tissue again. Like, please take it. And there was just something about this guy that felt very sincere.


And Sue let her guard down, and she accepted the tissue and wiped the tears from her eyes. She didn't say anything. And then this guy, he said, Hey, do you mind if I sit with you? And at this point, Sue said, Yeah, okay, you can sit down. And so this very handsome, well-dressed man took a seat next to Sue, not right next to her. Again, respectful distance from her. And again, he asked her, Hey, are you doing okay? And for Sue, whose life had been basically miserable the last few months or even years with this terrible marriage she was in. She wasn't used to being asked if she was okay. And this man, who she didn't know, had caught her at this very vulnerable moment in her life. And it was like all her emotions just came pouring out, and she began sobbing hysterically, telling this guy that no, she was not okay. Her life was in ruins. She had just abandoned her family, and she had no idea what she was going to do. Finally, when Sue stopped telling this guy all about her problems, she felt very embarrassed and looked up at him like she was sorry for even saying as much.


But the man who was very intently listening, he was just nodding along, very sympathetic, and he told Sue that his name was Gia, Gia Wang, and that he was a director at a factory not far from here. If she was open to it, he'd be happy to think about hiring her at the factory, give her a new start, potentially, because it seemed like that's what she really needed. And then he asked her if she wanted to come back to his house to discuss this job opportunity further. Now, with this, even though Sue had really appreciated everything this guy had done to this point, the second he asked her to come back to his house, she's like, red flags are going up. She knew there's something off here. Clearly, this guy does have an angle, and it's not to benefit me. And so she looked at him with an absolutely suspicious look like, no way am I going to your house? I don't know you. I appreciate the tissue, and You letting me cry, but there's no way. But again, as she's staring at him with this suspicious look, the look on Gia's face remained very sympathetic and very gentle, and it almost seemed like he was just going to get up and go like, Hey, I'm sorry for offending you.


But before he did get up to leave, Sue said, Hold on. Actually, yes, I'll come with you. She didn't know why she agreed to go with him. Maybe it was because her life was so messed up at this point that she was just ready to take chances and be reckless. This was definitely that big chance, very reckless. But again, she just felt like there's something sincere about this guy, and she felt like she could trust him. Sue and Gia stood up, and together, they walked down the train platform not saying much. They went downstairs, they went out to the street, and they walked a couple of blocks to where Gia's street was. As soon as they turned the corner and he showed Sue which house was his, Sue looked up, and whatever hesitations she had had still to that point about following the stranger to his house were gone because she saw his house was beautiful. It wasn't that it was so grand or anything. It totally fit with the neighborhood, but it was very well maintained and totally felt on brand for a guy who was so well dressed and so well manicured and frankly, so handsome.


So Gia led the way to the front door of his house. He unlocked the door, he opened it up, and then he gently gestured for Sue to come on inside. And so she did. She walked past him. Gia followed her in, and the two of them took off their shoes and made their way into the kitchen where Gia brewed some tea for them. Then they both sat down and began to sip their tea and talk about this job opportunity. For a few minutes, Gia is telling Sue all about the role and what she might be doing, and Sue is asking general questions about it, but for the most part, she just enjoyed being in the presence of somebody who seemed to care about her. But after she finished her entire glass of tea, suddenly Gia Gia, who had been talking this whole time about the factory, just stopped. It was like he was waiting for her to drink that entire drink. As soon as she was done with her cup, Gia, again, he went quiet and just stared at Sue with this sinister look on his face like he was very pleased with what was going on.


At that point, Sue looked down at her tea cup and then back at Gia. Then suddenly, she began to feel very drowsy. It was like her vision was beginning to go, and she realized Gia clearly had poisoned her. There was something inside of her tea. Before she He could do anything. Everything went black. A couple of weeks later, just a few blocks away from where Sue met Gia at the train station, a police officer named Jean was standing behind his desk at the police station when a very concerned-looking elderly couple came inside. Now, this couple was here to speak with Jean about a missing person, but the missing person was not Sue. She had been missing for two weeks now. Nobody had seen her, but no one had reported her missing. Her husband had just assumed that Sue had left him, and that's why he hadn't seen her. So he had naturally not reported that. Again, nobody else knew she was missing. Keep that in mind. Officer Jean has no idea about Sue and Gia, none of it. But when this elderly couple came in to make a missing person report, Officer Jean was not the least bit surprised.


It was now December of 1990, and over the past six months, 20 women out of Naha had suddenly gone missing. Remember, Su is not one of those 20. The 20 are mostly sex workers who went missing at that same train station where Su met Gia. Officer Zhang was used to making all these missing person reports. But candidly, the police actually felt like because these were sex workers that were going missing, they weren't sure if they were actually being abducted or if they were simply getting on a train and leaving town to go work somewhere else. Really, there wasn't a whole lot of investigation happening to figure out why so many of these women were going missing. But again, Officer Zhang, he's not surprised that they're telling him they want to file a missing person report. But when Zhang took this elderly couple to an interview room to talk to them about whoever was missing in their lives, when this couple spoke, Officer Zhang knew this was different because the couple was not reporting another missing woman from Naha who also happened to be a sex worker. Instead, they were reporting that a man was missing, a businessman.


However, the details of his disappearance sounded eerily similar to all these sex-working women who had also gone missing. This guy was last seen at that same train station where Sue had met Jia, and then nobody had seen him, and so that's why they were here. Officer Zhang, he wrote up their report, and then he told the couple that, very likely this man is okay, and he'll show up at some point under his own steam. But he told them the police would look into it and they'd be in touch. However, as this couple got up and turned around and left. Officer Zhang couldn't help but feel like this missing man and all these missing women went missing from the same place. It's the same city and it's the same pattern over and over again, but now we have a man. Even though Jean wanted to write off as an anomaly, he started to wonder if this missing man was connected to all these missing women. Because by January of 1991, so two months after Sue had gone missing without a trace and still had not been reported by anybody, and six weeks after that elderly couple reported that man missing, another five people from Naha had gone missing, two more women, and three more men.


Now the police in Naha were looking at 26 people, men and women, that had all gone missing very recently out of Naha and nobody had a clue what happened to them. And importantly, because now there were men who were not sex workers who were going missing, the police couldn't just write this whole thing off as, Oh, these sex working women are just going to another city to go do their work there. That was not a possibility anymore. Clearly, something bad was happening, and the police knew they really needed to do a real investigation here. So finally, in early spring of that year, the police in Naha formed a task unit and legitimately began investigating all these disappearances. But amazingly, there was no information. There was nothing. These people went missing and nobody heard from them. There was no evidence of where they went. There was not even any sign that anything bad happened to them because no bodies had been found. There was no evidence of really anything happening. All the police knew is these 26 people, not including Sue, so she would be the 27th person, had been at this train station and then vanished, and that's all they knew.


It got to the point where this story really began to spread around China China, and it became this running joke that if you don't want to live, go to Naha, because everybody assumed there had to be some serial killer or something happening there who was just roaming the streets picking people off. Thank you to Better Health for sponsoring today's video. I have a highly addictive personality, and in my life, it's been both a blessing and definitely a curse. When I'm focused on a goal, I become totally addicted to it, and as a result of that, I usually accomplish that goal. But when I don't have a goal to pursue, I often turn to alcohol out of boredom, and then that becomes a very unhealthy addiction. It usually starts with a drink or two with my wife over dinner, totally harmless, but very quickly, I spiral and begin hiding alcohol around the house and drinking by myself in the garage secretly at like, midnight after my family is asleep. And invariably, my wife always finds out eventually, and we have the same talk every single time where I promise her I'm never going to do it again, but the cycle always continues.


However, this month, with the help of my therapist, I finally decided enough was enough for my family, for myself. I have to be sober. And so far, sobriety has actually been great. Granted, I'm three weeks into the process. But I'll tell you, this time it feels permanent, and I really attribute that to working with my therapist. They're really a big part of the reason that I saw just how destructive alcohol is in my life. So if deep down you feel like you do have some big change you know you have to make at some point, really consider giving therapy a try because I'm telling you, their perspective, which you don't have, is the thing you're likely missing. They're able to show you what's going to happen if you don't make that change. Obviously, therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but I'm telling you, it's a great starting point if you're in a similar position to mine. A very accessible therapy option is a totally online therapy platform called Betterhelp. All you have to do is fill out a quick survey online, and then you'll be quickly matched up with a licensed therapist who will listen and give you helpful unbiased advice.


Let Betterhelp connect you to a therapist who can support you right from the comfort of your own home. Visit betterhelp. Com/misterbaulen or select Mr. Baulin during sign up to enjoy a special discount on your first month. By late summer of 1991, when really this story had taken hold across the country and was becoming a bigger and bigger deal because there was absolutely no resolution here, police had no idea what was going on. Well, the whole situation got a whole lot worse because now, in addition to people suddenly vanishing at the train station in Naha, more people were also going missing in other cities nearby Naha, but all along the same train line that left out of Naha. So more train stations, more disappearances all around the area, not just the city of Naha, but all around. And by the fall of that year, when over If 30 people had gone missing all the same way from these train stations all around Naha, the police still had absolutely nothing to go on. All they had is, Here are these people. Here's where they were. They vanished. We got nothing else. No bodies, no evidence, nothing. But all that would change on October 22nd, 1991, roughly a year after Sue met Gia at the train station in Naha and then drank that drugged tea.


On that October day in 1991, so again, a year after the disappearance of Sue, Police at this train station, 1,700 miles away from the city of Naha, were doing random stops of commuters on the train platform. This had nothing to do with the ongoing investigation into all these missing people. This was just public safety stuff where the police were just walking around, looking for people who looked suspicious, and then checking in on them to make sure they weren't doing anything illegal. On this particular day at this train station far away from Naha, one of these officers spotted this very handsome guy in a beautiful brown wool and very fancy pants and shoes. He stood out a lot because of, frankly, how beautiful he was. The police officer saw him, and this very handsome guy looked up, and he saw the police officer, and it was like immediately he did something very suspicious. He reached down, grabbed a bag, and quickly turned around and began walking away. At the same time, two other people who were right near this very handsome guy did the same thing. They grabbed bags off the ground, quickly turned around, fell in line with this handsome guy, and began quickly walking walking away from the police.


The police, obviously, are totally suspicious. They run across the platform, and they manage to stop all three of them, and they turn them around, and they say, Show me your bags. Open them up. The police, they would open up these bags, and they contain drugs. Right away, these three know they are caught, but they don't say anything. They just stand there and they're totally silent as the police are asking them, What are these drugs? Where are you going with these? What's going on here? They're not talking. Finally, the police go, Give me your IDs right now. All three of them cough up their IDs, and the A very handsome guy with a beautiful brown wool coat and fancy clothes, well, that was Gia Wang, the same Gia Wang who had gone with Sue into his house and given her the drugged tea. But again, these police officers are only concerned about the drugs. They don't know anything about these guys. They don't know that Gia met Sue and did this thing at his house with the tea. That wasn't even reported to police. Nobody knew about it. But these police knew they had caught these three people with these bags of illegal drugs, so they brought them back to the station and began to question each of them.


When they spoke to Gia, Gia said nothing. However, when they spoke to the two other people that were with Gia, one of them began to crack. It was obvious they had more to tell about these drugs, and they were holding back tears like they were very upset. One of the interrogators, sensing one of these people was prepared to confess to something, instead of really drilling down on them, he was very comforting. He offered them a blanket and said, Here, take this blanket, relax. It's okay. You can tell me what's on your mind. It's okay. That just totally broke this person person, and they said, These drugs are nothing. You need to see what's in Jia's house. That will put these drugs to the side. They won't matter. What's in his house is horrible. The next day, a phone rang in the police station in Naha, and Officer Zhang picked it up, and it was one of the officers who interviewed these three people with drugs and got this whole horrible confession about what was inside of this guy, Jia's house, and he told Zhang all about it. As Zhang is listening to this, his eyes went wide because he knew This had to be connected to all these people going missing.


This has to be it. As soon as he hung up the phone, Officer Zhang rounded up 20 other police officers and 10 forensic doctors to go search Qiya's house. When they got there, the house from the outside looked just as beautiful as when Sue had seen it for the first time and felt like her reservations about Gia had gone down because of how wonderful his house looked. But as soon as all those police officers and the forensic doctors stepped inside of Gia's house, he wasn't home. There was nobody there. When they went inside, they were instantly hit with this horrible, horrible smell inside the house. Even though things are neat and beautiful inside, too, there was something bad inside this house, and the smell seemed to be coming from the basement. And so at some point, Officer Jean and the other officers, they got to the door, they opened it up, and they looked down, and all they could see was just this dark room down there, and the smell was so strong. But they pulled their shirts up over their faces, and they went down the stairs. When they got down there, they couldn't see anything.


It's totally dark. But the smell at this point was so overpowering that a couple of the officers almost fainted. And so literally, they had to leave the house fearing they were breathing in toxic chemicals or something, and they had to wear gas masks just to go back into the house and back down into the basement. When they got back down there, now wearing their masks, it didn't seem like there was anything down there that could produce such an awful smell. Like there was just nothing down there. But eventually, one of the officers moved to the middle of the basement, right in the middle, and they realized there was an opening, and they looked down into it, and they couldn't believe what they saw. At the same time, somebody upstairs made an equally horrifying discovery because they discovered a videotape, a VHS cassette, that contained this horrible footage that effectively explained what was going on inside of that pit in the basement. But to understand that, we need to go back a year to when Sue met Gia at the train station. She went back to his house and drank the drug tea and blacked out.


After Sue drank that tea, she didn't die. Gia did not kill her. Instead, she woke up a few hours later being totally confused, and she was immediately hit by this horrible smell, but it was totally pitch black. She can't see anything. She began feeling her hands around her, and she felt stone everywhere she touched. Eventually, she realized she was in what felt like the bottom of a well. But it wasn't water she was standing in. She was standing in something that almost felt like jelly. She began touching it to figure out what it was. She could not tell, but she couldn't help but feel like the things around her were moving like they were alive. Then suddenly, a lid that clearly sat atop of this pit began to slide over above her. So suddenly, light was coming down into this pit. At first, Sue looked up and she didn't see anything. But then she looked down and realized what was all around her. It was people, dead people, and potentially even half-alive people that were just stuffed into this big pit that were all decaying or slowly dying or whatever it was. She's just standing amongst it all.


And then she looks up and she sees it's Gia, the beautiful man who had brought her here. He's standing up there looking down at her with a smile on his face, and Sue immediately pleads with him to please spare me, don't kill me. And Gia, he looks down at her inquisitively, and he says, If I lift you out of there, will you do anything I tell you to do? And Sue said, Yes, I'll do anything. Just get me out of here, please. And so Gia, he reached down, he grabbed Sue, and he pulled up and out of this pit inside of his basement. A few days later, Sue was back at the train station where she had met Gia for the first time, but this time she was alone, and she walked up onto that train platform with no intention of riding a train. Instead, as soon as she got up there, she began looking around, and then she spotted a businessman who was sitting on a bench. She walked over to him, and she sat down next to him, and we don't know exactly what she said, but we think what she said was something maybe sexually suggestive or something along those lines, and she's holding his shoulder and touching his hand.


She doesn't know this man, and this man is very caught off guard by this, but he's going along with it. And before long, she takes this businessman's hand. They stand up, and they walk out of the train station down to the street, and they make their way a couple blocks over to Gia's house. And when they get there, Sue leads into the front door. She opens it up. She brings the man inside. The door shuts. They take their shoes off. And Sue leads this man into the kitchen where Gia is waiting with a wire between each hand. And as soon as this businessman walked into the kitchen, Gia pounced on him, wrapped the wire around his neck and held it until the man passed out. Then he released the wire. Then Gia and Sue took this man. They lifted him up, and they carried him down into the basement and laid him out on the floor. So he's not in the pit. He's just out in the middle of the basement floor. Then Gia stepped away, picked up a video camera, turned it on, and began to film. He was filming the man on the ground and also Sue.


Sue, she knew what to do. She was going to do anything she was told to do. She climbed on top of this still, very much alive businessman who's just been knocked unconscious, and she strattles him, so she's looking down at his head. Then she picks up a knife and she holds it in front of her. Then she looks up at Gia, who at this point has zoomed the camera in. She can hear the sound, the mechanics inside of the camera as it's zooming in on what she's about to do. Then she raises the knife over her head and drives it into this man's chest. The video that Gia shot of Sue murdering this man was the video police found on the first floor of the house shortly after police found this horrible pit in Gia's basement. It would turn out that Gia Wang was absolutely the serial killer who was responsible for all these people going missing from the train stations. He would abduct them just like he did Sue, and he would bring them to his house, and then he would do horrible horrible things to them, and eventually he would chuck their bodies into this pit.


When he abducted Sue, he actually thought that when he drugged her, that he had killed her, and he had chucked her into the pit believing she was dead. But when Sue had woken up inside of that pit, when he opened it up and looked down and there she was, fully alive, he had an idea. Well, why don't I turn Sue into a murderer like me? She can help me. That was the condition for her being pulled out of this pit, that she would assist him in murdering people, and she agreed to do it. The reason the profile of victims changed from sex-working women to random men is because those are the people that Sue went after. She began targeting men. When that elderly couple came in and reported to Officer Zhang that a man was missing, shooting, that was Sue's first victim, the man who had been seen on video being stabbed in the chest by Sue. Now, nobody to this day, understands why Sue actually went along with this. She was pulled up out of the pit, but then when she was told to go to the train station and find your first victim.


It's unclear why she didn't just go to the police and say, Hey, there's a serial killer, Gia. Here's his house. Here's where he is. Go get him. For some reason, she just did what he said. In fact, Sue was not the only person who was brought in to this murdering scheme. He managed to convince three other people, including his ex-wife, to also commit murders for him. All three of those people also had ample opportunity to flee and tell police, but they didn't. All of these people just did what Gia wanted without asking any questions. It was like he had absolute control over these people. That is, until that day in October of 1991, when those police officers doing a public safety check spotted Gia along with two accomplices, fleeing with drugs. They stopped them, and they got them back to the station, and one of his accomplices finally broke and told the truth. The person who told the truth, the accomplice who broke, was Sue. She was there with him at the train station. Nobody knew she was missing, and she was the one who went offered a blanket and was told, Tell us the truth.


She came clean. Ultimately, it was this police officer's kindness that broke her. In Gia's basement, inside of that horrible pit, right in the middle of it, were 42 bodies, 24 women and 18 men. In the end, Gia and all four of his forced accomplices, including Sue, were sentenced to death, and they were executed on January 24, 1992. Today, the city of Naha is still just as infamous as it was in the '90s when these murders took place. In fact, the nickname for Naha is now just Bandit City to reflect what happened there. I want to create a mildly effective Mildly effective... I want to make a mildly effective cold medicine made exclusively out of Egyptian fire ants. Take its horn off its head and you beat it to death. Sago. You died. Turned and lapped head first. Out the glass window. Yes. Got up on its flippers. You began chasing us down the cave. A nice hot father mug of monster. And we settled on a piping hot plate of piping hot plate of Eagletoncils, your smoked chicken gall bladder eggnog, your zebra cornea souffle. Get to go surfing. Surfing. But it... No. Yes, it did.


Papa, tu dois avoir. Papa, tu dois avoir. Lange was already in there and he looks at me and he says, Papaye, deberíamos terificado como Hello Fresh. Lange put on... It's not even funny. If you're wondering why I just shared a whole slew of me just butchering my various intros and different parts of strange, dark, and mysterious videos, well, it's because you all asked it. Last month in our first ever Mr. Ballin newsletter, we posed a question. We said, What do you want me to share with you the most? And overwhelmingly, what you all wanted to see was a compilation of bloopers. You don't want to miss the next newsletter because maybe there's something else you want to see, and that newsletter might give you a chance to actually see that thing happening. Also, remember, the newsletter encompasses basically everything we're up to, both things that are coming up in the future, things that you might have missed, what we're doing now. It's It's designed to be really easy to consume. It's very visual. It's not all text. It's very beautiful. It's an incredibly good newsletter. To sign up, all you got to do is go to ballinstudios.


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