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All right, so we have a friend we haven't had on for episode, what is it? 421. We haven't had Ricky, the real pretty Ricardo Aguila, the real pretty Ricky. I'm friends of both, but this is the real pretty Ricky on here from the great current county, Bakersfield. Bakersfield, baby. Tco in the house. All right, we got a lot of things to go through here, gang. Obviously, Ricky, there's some going on with Mexico. There's an interesting story there that we have to talk about with the pesos dropping more than 3% on jitters over Morena's super-majority. We want to know what that means. Aside from that, Eric the other day gets on, I think this was on Friday or Saturday, he said, he asked his wife, How much money have we raised? He says, Just from small donors, $21, $30 donors, they raised over $70 million. Big donors, $130 million, over $200 million. That's as of Friday, Saturday, today's Tuesday. I don't know what number they're at, Rob. See if you can pull up the latest poll on that. But a lot of money being raised from that. Komi said something, what it would look like if Trump were to go to President.


We'll cover a few those things. Trump is officially on TikTok, folks. Dana White gave him a big shout out, and I don't know how many followers he's got right now, but he quickly went to a million, 2 million, 3 million, 4 million, 5 million. I don't know what the numbers, but he's up there. Then I saw this one story that none of us really were talking about, but I think it's important to talk about this as well. The DOJ fears AI tampering with the Biden-Hur audio interview. They don't want to release it because they're worried people are going to tamper with AI. Can you deep fakes? You know there's something there that they don't want to release to the world. We'll see if we're going to do something with that or not. Fauci had a wonderful Monday, guys. If you're wondering who had a great Monday, Fauci had a very fantastic emotional, being asked a bunch of different questions, and there was a troll in the back. I don't know if you guys have seen that troll. Whoever he is, he's a very famous. Did you see the guy what he was doing? Yeah, it's fascinating.


The bald guy you're talking about. Yeah, the bald guy. Who is that? He was asked about a bunch of different things. He was asked about NIH, $710 million being given to different doctors. He was asked, Do you represent science? No, I don't. That's not what I meant. That what I meant is this. Just a bunch of gibberish that we'll go back and for one clip talking about the fact that all the people that are believers, the moment you mandated, you forced them, all That shit goes out the window flat out saying that, and he's being asked about it. It was a rough week for him. Alex Jones, an emotional moment yet on Twitter and X. I cry. Which we have to talk about. We'll talk about that as well. Just praise for impact. We'll do that as Elon Musk, do you know they still don't want to pay him the 56 billion dollars they owe him? They still don't want to pay him. I'm going to give you some details on the breakdown, what many people are not talking about. We'll go into the whole thing on how he negotiated up front, what the number was, and who is preventing him from getting the paycheck.


It's some interesting stories behind it. Then Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon are getting closer to being friends again. This has been a decade, your feud, that they may be getting closer to each other. Pro-palestine protester clash with pride parade. How wild of a clash is that? That definitely is a phenomenal one. Official US Navy Special Forces page draws backlash for ringing in pride month, and Navy Seals have gone woke. And then they're coming back saying, No, we didn't. It's not that. We meant this. We meant that. Anyways, we'll respond to it. If there's anybody we can't afford to go work as a Navy SEAL, they got to keep it together, especially with those 11 NFL teams that Tom is going to give you an update on here in a minute. Vinnie, this weekend, went to a gay pride event at Disney. He was at Disneyland. I mean, that's the right way of saying it, right?


So you got to give us commentary. I'll give you 100% commentary.


Because, by the way, Vinnie's an angry Patriot. If you're also an angry Patriot, I got to I got a surprise for you in about 90 seconds. Stay tuned. It's a big surprise. To all the angry patriots, if you are, I got a surprise for you that you're going to want to be sporting on fourth of July. So stay tuned. We'll give that to you. All right, check this out. Up to half of UCLA med students are failing basic medical competency test. Can you imagine that? Their basic competency test, they're missing. Wmba, Kaitlyn Clarke had another hard foul, and there was a fine and all this other stuff. And this other player, Angel Reece, I think that's her name saying, I'm also the reason why the WMBA is doing really good. It's me. It's not really just her. It's also me. In 20 years, they're going to say me, too. And Diddy had another bunch of things coming up with him. When you get Biggie's mom coming out saying, I want to slap the daylight out of Sean Jones. There's something really going on there. Jerry Seinfeld. Okay, check this out. He wants to see return of dominant masculinity to the culture.


Manchin leaves the Democratic Party. Mexico will talk about inflation. Someone said it will take years to fall to the 2% target, according to Cleveland Fed model. We got some economy stuff that we'll talk about. We got a bunch of clips to show you guys. Have Having said that, let me start out before we get into all these stories. Number one, everybody, when Vinnie would go on a rant, Vinnie was just on Purist the other day, when Vinnie goes on a rant and all of a sudden, veins pop out and there's women that are into Vinnie, a man like that. Vinnie's got a big female... There's even a fan page created with Vinnie because of how sexy he is. I tried. I call him the Pacino, the De Niro, the Siri version, the better-looking version. That's the non-woke version that's not vaccinated. But here's the thing. So if you're an angry Patriot yourself, Vinnie officially has the angry Patriot value tame in addition. Damn right. Where the O is the value tame and logo with the backs as future looks bright. Oh, yes. But the sides got the American flag. So if you are an angry Angry Patriot.


Vinnie, what colors do we have these in?


We have that color, and then we also have green, right, Rob? We have the green one, which is sick. We have the green one, which is sick. We have the military green. Pat, just really fast, let everybody know, a lot of people always go, Vinnie, why are you so upset? And I always ask them, why aren't you? With everything that's happening and being a veteran and having parents that are legal immigrants, Assyrians, Pat, as you know this, we don't have a country which makes America that much more important. That's why I get furious when people aren't speaking and aren't talking crap. That's why I'm an angry patriot, Tom called me live on the podcast, and we're going with it. I am, and I'm proud to be an angry Patriot.


There you go. It's official. It's branded. By the way, go ahead and place the order before these things sell out. Last time, we announced the allegedly shirt. We sold a few thousand shirts of the allegedly shirt, and all of a sudden, How come I'm not getting my supply because size has gone? You can go and place the order, angryPatriot on vtmerch. Com. If you're listening to this on Spotify and Apple. And Rob, let's make sure to put the link below as well so people can go get it and represent as an angry Patriot. All right, Let's get into it. First story. What story should we go to as the first story? I prefer us going to a business story first because I know Raviny likes that stuff. Let's do it. Let's do business story first. Tom, I'm going to come to you as well. Elon Musk He is mad at one of Tesla's biggest investors for saying it's voting against his pay package. Now, you guys got to keep this in mind. He negotiated this in February of 2018 is when he negotiated this, and they're still not willing to pay him the $55, $56 billion that's owe to him.


Let me read it to you. The California Public Employee Retirement System, CalPers, CEO Marcy Frost, stated that the funds plan to vote against Musk's $55 billion pay package, arguing, We do not believe that the compensation is to commiserate with the performance of the company. Musk responded, criticizing Calpers on social media, saying, Calpers is breaking their word. Musk's pay package struck down by a Delaware judge in January involving a tenured grant of 12 tranches of stock options tied to Tesla hitting specific targets. Although Tesla claims it met all the targets in 2023, proxy advisor Glass-Lew has labeled it excessive with uncertain benefits and additional risk ahead of June 13th annual. Meaning, Tesla is promoting the pay plan by offering investors a tour of the Texas Gigafactor with Musk and emphasizing the plan's importance to Tesla's future success. Tom, thoughts on this story.


Okay. The board here is running for cover, and they are turning turtle. Here's what I mean by that. The reason this plan exists, how did this plan? This wasn't an idea he came up with. This was voted on by the board, and they all agreed this would be the pay plan. By the way, for all those people saying, Must receive 55 billion, I saw that one on CNN, he's not receiving 55 billion. This is a 10-year grant of stocks, some stock every year. Ricky, remember PHP? Of course. You kill it and there'd be a program out there. You could get some equity. Next year, different program. What they did here, they made a 10-year program. Ten-year program from here, and Calpers voted in favor of it. But along the way, the economy burps a little bit. Now people are saying, Well, maybe 55 billion is excessive. Why was it 55 billion? Because the stock went up from 106 at the beginning of '03, I believe, to, Rob, check me on this, 261. So the stock went way up. Go back like three years. Go back three years real quick.


Oh, that's not even the case, Tom. You got to go more than that. It's not 106 to 261. You know what the number is? Do you know what this guy negotiated, Tom?


Now, go back. Look at the beginning of 2003. Right there. See the dip? Dip. 2023. The beginning of 2023.


Rob, 2023. Rob, you're at 2021. Look at that. There you go.


1,20 through 1,13. There it is. It starts there, and then it goes all the way to 2,60. There's the value. The other thing, Calpers is where?




California. Over the course of those 24 months, who moved to headquarters to Austin, Texas?




Right. There is It's the undercurrent here. But the board voted on a compensation plan. The metrics were met, and now everybody is running from the back saying, Well, I don't want to be seen as voting for it. These are board members now not want to be seeing voting for something that they put on paper and put in front of them. This wasn't invented at the end of the year. Check this out. This was the plan at the beginning.


So watch this. So this is what makes it so weird on how this was negotiated. When he negotiated this, it was February of 2018. When he negotiated in February 2018, guess what they did? The Tesla stock shareholders sent a letter out saying, We just negotiated Musk's compensation for the next six years. When they negotiated compensation for the next six years, they said, We have gotten Elon Musk to agree to take zero salary for the next six years, zero pay for the next six years. Then the board had to come back and say, California forced us that we have to pay minimum wage. You know Elon Musk has been getting paid minimum wage the last six years? 37,000 dollars is what he's been getting paid, and he's never taken the money. Now, check this out. At the time when he agreed, this is what the terms were, Tesla was worth around $55,000, $55,000. In order for him to get his full compensation package, he had to take Tesla from $55 billion in six years to $650 billion valuation. Let me say it one more time. His package, folks, would you take this offer? Hey, zero salary for the next six years.


Help us take the valuation of a company of a billion dollars in the next six years to $11 billion for us to pay you anything. If you don't take us to $11 billion, you get paid nothing. That's what What are you negotiated for. All or none, apparently, 37,000 dollars as a salary at the time when he negotiated this contract. You know what was the craziest thing when he negotiated it? At the time, guess what was the shortest stock? The stock being shorted the most in all of Nasdaq 100. Tesla, you know what percentage of the stock was shorted? 22.6% at a time when the average shorted stock on Nasdaq 100 was three and a half %. So think about this. Three and a half %, 22.6. Nobody believes in what's going to happen. Everybody's saying this is a shit show. This guy's a P. D. Bardem type of guy, makes a bunch of fancy predictions that none of them are going to become a reality, and then it becomes a reality. Then they go to shareholders. They ask them, Hey, guys, we have to pay this man $55, $56 billion. What do you guys think shareholders?


Guess what percentage shareholders said we should pay them? What percentage of Tesla shareholders do you think agreed that they should pay Elon Musk? Take a wild guess. I want you to take a wild guess.


I would say 10%.


10%, what do you think? What do you think, Tom? 85. What do you think? 85.


That's crazy. I don't even know.


What do you think the number is? I don't know. Take a wild guess.


Twenty-five %.


Seventy-three % said this guy deserves the money. Wow. 73% 73% said this guy deserves the money, but...


In the beginning when it was made.


Yeah, but... No, no. Seventy-three % when it happened. What do you mean not when it's made? To ratify it. No, no. Now they're saying, yes, he's got it. Pay it out. Seventy-three % 100. Agreed to this. Guess what percentage agreed at the beginning that we should pay this? Because this guy's never going to hit 11 times valuation. 100%. Now it's 73%, 27% is like, oh, shit, he actually hit it. Now we got to pay this guy, right? There's no way we're going to be able to do this. And watch this. Do you know the person, Rob, can you pull up the the judge in Delaware preventing Musk from getting his $55 billion? Because it's incorporated in Delaware. Pull up the judge. Her name is Kathleen something. Just type in Kathleen, Elon Musk, and her name should come up. Okay, now go right there. That's her name. So take Kathleen, go to see who appointed her. She's appointed by the governor, John Carnie, who's a Democratic governor, John Carnie in Delaware, his friends would guess who? A guy named Joe Biden. And for many people, like myself, like Tom, we have incorporated businesses in Delaware. When you would go and say, Hey, what we should incorporate our business, Delaware is the place to go.


That is out the flipping window after what you just did to this guy because he negotiated the most ridiculous compensation plan that if shit were to hit the fan, he would have made this much money. Six years, this much money. And now you say, No, Because she's the boss. This Kathleen McCormick is the boss. So officially in Delaware, Kathleen McCormick is the boss of all corporations. Because if you get paid too much money, she can say, no, no, no, it's too much money for you to get paid. And Waleh Elon Musk at the time, they're talking, they're saying, Why would you even negotiate a contract like this? Why would you put your pay like this? He says, Because I believe Tesla is a trillion-dollar company. Then they ask him, they say, Are you doing this because you want all this money? He says, I'm not doing this because of any dynasty type of money because I want to go out there and do this. He says, I'm sincerely doing this because I have some big plans with the money I want to do, such as having multi-planetary... You've heard him talking about this stuff. And by the way, do you believe him?


Do you believe the fact that he's got real vision on what he wants to do?


Every week, there's another rocket being launched.


So then the question becomes the following. Everybody that's watching now is sitting there saying, Why would they pay him 56 billion dollars? The number one shareholder for Tesla is a guy named Elon Musk. The number two shareholder, individual, not institutional, number two shareholder for Tesla. Guess who it is? It's his brother, Kimball Musk. Roughly 1.6 million shares of Tesla he owns. Number three is just a regular guy that is the majority shareholder of Tesla. You know the three institutional, top three institutional shareholders?Black Rock State.


Those three combined have less shares than Elon has in Tesla.


Good. It should be like- Those three combined have less shares, according to the article I read yesterday. Elon Musk is in an interesting place. If If you guys are for capitalism, whatever you do, everybody has to be for this guy getting paid for the amount of risk that he took for not getting anything for six years. So that's really why they're holding back this guy's money. They don't want a guy like that to have too much money, because if he He says, God knows what he's going to go buy next. Do you think they want him to have access to 55, 56 billion dollars? No. What do you think he goes and buys next? If he buys Twitter, holy shit. What if he buys this? What if he buys that? We can't get that money in his pocket. There's a lot of fears they have with Musk here.


That's cash. That's cash. What are the chances he gets that cash?


Well, Tom, it's a stock option that he can turn into cash if he wants to. Got it. And one of the ways that he's been buying a lot of stuff, he borrows against the stocks. He borrows against the stocks, and that's how he's been paying himself.


One of the things I'm obsessed with this is Forbes Richest Time billionaires, and people just lose billions every single day between the stock. Rob, I think you have that link. So Elon Musk has been going number one, number two, number three between Bernardo No, Jeff Bezos, and Musk, one, two, and three. I think he's number one on the Forbes all time-Elon is? Yeah. If you scroll down. Right there. Number one. So I want to say 200 billion. You just left there, Rob. I want to say somewhere around 200 billion. Rob is really having some trouble.


I got you.


200. Punch in a little bit. 209? And then there's Bernardo Noe and then Jeff Bezos. I think those are the only three guys that are right at 200 billion. If he gets another 50 billion... Elon's pretty competitive dude.


He's going to literally...


He's going to literally... He's number four?


Boom. Facebooking.


I got. Facebook came back up. I remember Facebook was almost down when it converted to meta in 2022. That's right. That's the meta in 2022.


First alien to be a billion.


Don't let this fool you. Elon is going to be a trillionaire in no time. Don't let this fool you. You think so? Let me tell you why. He's a driver. He's not stopping. Listen, you have to realize, never underestimate the power of an active operator. Never, never underestimate the power of an active operator. An active operator that's already built businesses and succeeded and made money and he's still active, he's going to be making a lot of money. Don't ever underestimate that. He's the most active operator in the history of America, especially the last 100 years. No one's more active as an operator than him.


What's the over and under on when he becomes the world's first trillionaire?


Ten years?


No, no way. No, I give 2-5 years. I'm telling you, it's five years. I think he can have it.


You think he's going to 5X that 200 billion?


I think he's got a very high chance of being a trillionaire in the next 2-5 years.


There's one recognized trillionaire on Earth, but it's actually a group. It's a family. It's the family of the Saudi. It's a Saudi Royal family.


$1.4 trillion.


Bin Salam. Bin Salam and all the cousins and nephews in the entire family.


Saudi Aramco was a $2 trillion.


I was just reading up on this $1.4 trillion. Thank you very much. Yes, there you go. We're on a roll today.


If we go to eat, they're picking up the tab.


And by the way, while this is going on, Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon are getting close. What? Elon Musk. It looks like Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon are one step closer to making peace amid their nearly 10-year feud. Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase have been working to mend their 10-year feud with their relationship improvement since March when they spoke for an hour on stage at a JPMorgan technology summit, and Musk visited Diamond Suite. The feud began in When J. P. Morgan stopped underwriting Tesla car leases, leading to a heated exchange where Musk cursed and threatened to pull business, and Dimon responded that his bank wouldn't be bullied, Musk subsequently favored Goldman Sachs and Morgan standing for his ventures. Despite their legal battles, including J. P. Morgan's 2021 lawsuit against Tesla, over 162 million dollar contract breach, Diamond now considers reengagement among Musk's businesses, seeing mutual benefits and accessing funds and advisory services from the biggest US bank. Tom.


Well, people don't realize how big J. P. Morgan is. There is really no second place in banking. There is a huge drop from J. P. Morgan to Morgan Stanley, Goldman, and the European banks. And so what Dimon is saying is, why aren't we playing in this guy? It gets to his yard. Why aren't we doing this? And they're burying the hatchet. $162 million contract breach, please. That's nothing. They made that in late fees on credit cards last Tuesday. Basically, what you have now is Jamie Dimon is on the verge of legacy. He is in the window of an up to five-year transitional leadership plan, probably two years, but up to five. I think Jamie Dimon is looking at the reality of not where Tesla was in '16, but where Tesla and everything is today. And Dimon says, You know what? We need to play in all this. If there's one thing that Jamie Dimon is not, it's dumb. I think he is seeing to it that he puts J. P. Morgan in a place to do business. You know what else I think, That's the wealthiest guy in the world.


You know what else I think?


And his five businesses.


I think there's also an element of when you're politically on the same page, which they were for many years, okay? Jamie's a left, not a fully left. Jamie's a center left. And Musk is a center left for many years, and then he's been gradually coming this way. And then Jamie's at the World Economic Forum, speaking complimentary about Trump at World Economic Forum while in Davos, while wearing his Ukraine You pin, if you remember that one thing. And then you're seeing what's going on in America. They're putting a president in 34 counts and felonies, convicted felon, all this stuff. I was like, what are we doing to America right now? Now they officially have something in common. Hey, you're planning on doing business in America? Yeah, me too. We got to figure this out because it's a shit show here. So there's an element there as well of them being on the same page that I think has that going. And then the other side is, hey, maybe Jamie is going to be able to help this person in Delaware that doesn't want us to get the 56 billion and could be like, Hey, can you bring that 56 billion of your bank account?


Do something here with Chase? There's so many different things that could be taking place when that's going on. What are your thoughts?


I fully agree that the billionaires are basically starting to back Trump. A lot of these people were not advocating for Trump whatsoever in 2016, certainly in 2020. We've seen how the tide has shifted so much in just four years of Joe Biden being the President. Not only is it Jamie Dimon, you see that there's talks of Elon Musk potentially being a part of Trump's cabinet. What? There's a Wall Street Journal article about that. But here's some billionaires that have openly backed Trump that did not back Trump for the most part in previous elections. Stephen Schwartzman, CEO of Blackstone.


40 billion dollar guy.


Basically, a little brother of Black Rock. Steve Wendt, he owns the hotels. Woody Johnson, that's a Johnson & Johnson heir. Joe Rickerts, TD Ameritrade, Joe Bigelow, Budget Sweets, Linda McMahon, that's a WEEE. We understand that with Trump Phil Ruff in the Casino. John Paulson just hosted a $50 million raise. It's starting to come clear and clear that the capitalists are just like, No, no, no, no, no, millionaires back the Democrats, the big tech Silicon Valley.Of course.But all that is already starting to shift. I put together a quick list. I didn't even know the had been.


I don't think they're doing it because all of them are sincere about their support. I think they're doing it because they realize if they could do that to him, they could do that to us. It's more of a self-protection more than it is that we support him.They.


Realizethe enemy of my enemy is my friend, basically.


Exactly. I don't think they're out there. If they're advocating, I highly... Nobody just, out of nowhere, starts switching their political views. It's gradual. It takes years. But when you see this happen in a span of four years because they realize if they come after the president, they come after me. That's all it is. They're trying to protect themselves more than anything. That's what I feel.


I think a lot of these, even Chamath out here, a lot of these people basically... Kudos to Pat, the case example thing. Joe Biden ran on being a uniter, being a bridge, being a moderate. He's catered to the far left progressives, and people are just like, Yeah, I just can't do this.


He's actually yesterday, Christina Bob, that was on the podcast, said something very interesting. She said he's actually becoming a unifier in a way he didn't wish it would happen. Yeah, that's true. He's actually unifying everybody against him, which is weird. It's interesting. Gradually. And by the way, you know, out of all the people that are worth 100 billion plus, what percentage of them are left versus right? What percentage of them will vote left and right? 70% of them are going to vote left than right.


Mark Zuckerberg. Jeff Bezos, Washington Post. Elon, formerly.


Warren Buffet.


Warren Buffet. Larry Ellison.


He'll be center-ish. He'll be center-rightish.


Why is that? Bernardo Noe is not allowed to vote. From what I understand.


And by the way, he said something. He said the little guy to... What did you say, Blackstone is the little guy to Blackstone? The little guy to what What do you say, Blackstone is a little guy to BlackRock? A little brother to brother. You ready? Yeah. Okay, so what is Larry Fink's networth?


You know what? Probably not as much as-Exactly.


Larry Fink, BlackRock, is worth 1.2 billion. Steven Schwartzman, Blackstone is worth 39 billion.






But if you go buy companies- I know.


I understand. Blackrock is what?


$10 trillion.


Larry Fink's major, I think, was Polycy. Can you go type in what Larry Fink majored in college. Type in what Larry Fink majored in college. I don't even know why I know this. I shouldn't know this. Yeah, political science, UCLA, 1974. Larry Fink was a guy that really was driven by wanting to get involved in politics. And then he gets his MBA business, et cetera. But the first passion was what? Political science. You know what I'm saying? Political science. So it's interesting. Let's go to the next story. Ricky, I'm coming to you with this one here. Yes. Mexico peso so dry. This is deeply concerning. More than 3% on jitters over Morena Supermajority. Let me read this thing, and I'll just hand it over to you. Let's see what we got going on here with Mexico. We have representation here from Michuacan, just so everybody knows. Mexico Peso dropped as much as 4.1% against the dollar, and the local stock market fell over 2% following the rule of Morena Party's strong election performance, raising fears of potential constitutional changes that could undermine checks and balances. The peso later trimmed its losses to 3.2% dropped. Claudine Scheinbaum landslied presidential victory, and Morena's gains surprised markets with Chris Turner from ING Riky noting, noting concerns about Morena potentially pursuing market non friendly policies of constitutional reform.


Scheinbaum secured between 58.3 to 60.7 and 60.7 of the vote in the highest Mexico majority history. Despite The market jitters, Scheinbaum's acceptance speech aimed to reassure markets by emphasizing a commitment to an autonomous central bank, maintaining the division between economic and political powers, and persevering a disciplined fiscal stance, as noted by JPMorgan. Ricky, what's going on with Mexico right now?


When I'm talking to people, as you guys know, 80% of my family is in Mexico. My dad lives in Mexico. I'm a dual citizen. I'm a Mexican citizen, American citizen. When you see things like this, basically, what they're going through is they've had so many years of corruption. It used to be more of a two-party system, which is el pri y el pan, which is two-party system. Then they started doing Morena, all this other stuff they started coming up with to break up the two-party system. Then what ended up happening was that AMLO, which is a current president, he's our version of a Bernie Sanders, ran for president, a two Two presidencies ago, lost. He says he got cheated out of his presidency. By the way, 100%, when Enrique Pena Nieto and him were running, which was the last president, they took it from him and they said they stole the election, which I believe in Mexico, it's very, very much real. A lot of intimidation. They'll do care packages. Here's the legal to do in Mexico. At the voting booth, they'll do a care package, rice, soap, food, beans. They're serious. Oh, yeah, of course.


You can look it up. You can look it up. They'll give you Then who gave you this? Morena, who gave you this? Morena, who gave you Morena? They'll literally be at the voting booth. You give them a care package and they're switching their vote. Wow. Yeah.


This is not like- My rice is better.


Yeah, exactly. Matter of fact, when the cartels want somebody voted in, they'll do the same thing. This is on behalf of so and so. Obviously, it's funded through them. But anyway, going back to this, a lot of people, I was getting 80%, 90% of the people saying, Man, we're Mexico's group. But then you have the victims, the cry babies. Oh, they do a lot for the people. I know. You guys want to condemn the rich and give it to the poor like you guys are some goddamn Robin Hoods. My issue with her more than anything is you got to remember, Mexico is a Catholic country. She doesn't have the beliefs. First of all, her family got here in the 1920s, which that's fine. That doesn't give you, I'm here in America, I'm a first generation, my devotion to America. But they got here in 1920s. They're Jewish, and her parents were communists, open communists that that actually fought hard in the rebellion, and they were involved in the scandal with the papers in Panama. It's not like they're lightweight, just, Oh, let's just voice our opinion. No, they're hard core, and they raise her with these hard core communist values.


On top of that, she's a feminist. But just by the way, and I might probably get some heat for this, I don't really give a shit. I don't think any woman should be running any president. The temperament is not there. They're irrational. They don't think with the level head, but that's beside the I understand people wanting to change from the pre and the pan, they wanting to get away from it. I get it. It's like getting away from the Democrats and the Republicans going libertarian. I get it. But they went full commi with this one. We got six years of a Bernie Sanders Now we're getting a six years of an AOC. That's pretty much what it comes from.


Ricky, would you say that she was elected or selected? Because there was 37 candidates were assassinated just this year to get to this, right?


You can remember, AMLO was voted in His campaign is Abrazos No Balazos, Hugs, not bullets. Got you. Matter of fact, when Chapo's son was captured in Culiacán, what was it? Four or five years ago, they let him go. They let him go.


Because they were going to kill everybody.


Yeah, but the real thing, come on, bro. The Mexican guy, he's like, Oh, I don't want to... He doesn't have any balls, what it comes out to. Anyway, this is the group. This is the party that the cartels want because they're light on crime. It makes most Ironically, the cartels support not so much communism more than somebody's going to leave me the fuck alone. And so they're leaving them alone. That's what it comes down to. That's where we're at with them. The worrisome is, again, she's just an older version of an AOC. It's as bad as getting Joe. It's like getting Bernie Sanders, you get an AOC. And the thing with them is their terms are six years and you can't get reelected. Oh, God. It's what they call them seisenios. It's not four years, it's six years. So the country just got 12 years of just straight shit.


Damn it. That's what happened to them? No good.


What does that happen? You have family there. Yeah, of course. What do they see in the economy? What do they see happening?


No, they don't like it because it goes back to... It's like if Bernie Sanders was running the country here, you can't build a... Even you talk to a taxi driver, they want to... You They want to tax. You want to sell a taco, they'll tax it. They overregulate. They want to control everything. They think people are... The thing about communists is that they think people are stupid, and that they can't fend for themselves, so they have to fend for you. So all the cry babies, self-proclaimed victims love them because, Oh, the government's going to help No, you think you're a goddamn idiot. And so that's what's happening with the economy. As a matter of fact, I sent messages yesterday to my people in Mexico because I have employees over there. How are you feeling? They're like, We hate it. This is ridiculous. We can't work. We can't do this. We can't do that. And a lot of people don't understand. Oh, is it that bad? Well, you got to remember at one point in time, Venezuela was a thriving economy. Look what happened when you got Maduro and Chávez. To think that it can't happen to Mexico is the most naive thing that you can think.


It's stupid. Every country that has led in socialism eventually opened the door for communism.


Venezuela is an oil a member of OPEC and had a lot of money for the people in the country just coming out of the ground until it was corrupted back to the Stone Age.


Right. Well, because what happens is that, again, when you convince people you have their back, there's got to be a trade-off. If I'm giving you the power to help me, I'm giving you the power over everything. The trade-off with capitalism is like, I'm not going to help you, but I'm not going to get in your way. The trade-off with socialism and communism is, I'll help you, but then I own everything you do come across. That's the problem. When you have... And one thing about it, I was telling this to a buddy of mine yesterday, the Mexican people, Hispanic people in general, not just Mexicans, are very goalable. Anybody that's on TV, that has some type of status, automatically becomes believable. They're so goalable. There's no research. There's no nothing.


Such as who? Like Jorge Ramos.


Jorge Ramos, the priest. The priest can say... By the way, not to talk bad about it, but the Pope just made some 14-year-old kid, 15-year-old kid a saint. Who the fuck does that? You can't just make somebody a saint.


Of the internet or something, right?


No, he made him a saint because supposedly the kid died, whatever. They have him in a church. He made a miracle and saved two people. You can't make somebody a saint. Hispanic people are so gullible that they'll eat all this shit up as something that's very going to benefit them when in reality, they're shooting themselves in the foot.


Rob, pull up the story I just gave you from what?


Oh, there it is. You just saw it right there, Rob? You see this, Pat?


What's that?


They made him a saint. They made this kid He's a saint.


What does that mean, they made him a saint?


In the Catholic religion, if you do miracles, you're a saint now. They made this kid a saint. He's a saint.


Click on that one story that says 10 Things You Should Know About blessed Carlos. Zoom in a little bit, Rob. Go lower. Let's see what they say. Okay, so one, he was born May third, 1990. No, this is not the same guy then, because that guy would be 34, 33 years old.


When he died young-Oh, when he was 14, he became a saint.


He was 14, something like that. Carlos was diagnosed with leukemia as a teenager. Before his death in 2000, he was offered his sufferings to Pope Benedict and for his church saying, I offer all my sufferings to the Lord. And Pope church, not to go purgatory, but to go straight to heaven. From young age, Carlos had a special love for God, even when his parents weren't especially devout. Next, go to number 4. Okay, so 4 is what? Carlos, Witness of a Child. Anyway, so this guy is apparently now a saint. We're talking, by the way, go to the article I sent you about Wall Street Journal, Rob. Go to that article. So this is what's interesting with what he's saying. Ricky, I want you to unpack this. Tell me what this means on what this person is saying. So go to the Wall Street Journal article, Rob.


I'm blocked, so I have to find a different- Really?


You're blocked from Wall Street Journal? Yes. Man, they do not like you. Let me read it to you, okay? The results, this is from Wall Street Journal. Tidal says, Claudio Scheinbaum, elected as Mexico's first female president. So now, what does this mean? This guy named Antonio Ocaranza, a Mexican political analyst, said, Mexico's new Congress will be sworn in a month before López Abrador leaves power on October first, giving him leeway to pass the changes before Scheinbaum takes office. If I'm an investor, I'm thinking... By the way, my audio is going up and down.


Are you guys hearing this or no? I'm coming to be filled out my audio on my headphones went in and out.


I'm an investor. I'm thinking these guys just got a blank check. What's going to happen? Lopes Obrador wants to complete his agenda and take the political cost of these decisions while leaving Scheinbaum a blank It's late to begin. That's correct. What does that mean?


It's almost the same thing. You remember when... What was his name? Bucale from Salvador? Bucale? Bucale? Yeah, Bucale. He got the votes to change the Constitution so he could get reelected. It's the same shit. Because they have the majority right now. Morena has a majority. If you have the majority and you can start doing amendments or changing the Congress and changing the Constitution, then you're letting this lady Claudia do whatever she wants. Basically, he's going to open the door for her to make changes because he's going to be able to change the Constitution, and she's going to do all his... She's going to do his bidding for her, for him, while she's in office. That's the trade-off. It's just like in America. Hey, we're going to go behind you, but this is what you're going to do in return. This has always been something known in Mexico as far as that. What they wanted to do is change things to go into a Communist socialist form of doing things. Changing the Constitution would be detrimental to Mexico. For example, I'm a big fan of Bukele, but I don't think that what he did was right because what happens when a tyrant takes that?


Now, a tyrant is going to run from that. In their mind, Oh, I'm doing it for good. Yeah, but what happened, we had Salinas de Corrate, which changed the evaluation of Mexican dollar, peso. He literally made people for millionaires to broke it because he changed the money, the currency. He changed it from one minute to the next, Salinas de Corrate. He ended up going to Cuba. All his family left to Cuba to go run because they wanted to kill him, and they still want to kill him because he's still alive. When you do things like what Obrador is doing or Amlo, he's opened up the door for tyranny. But he's doing in the, Oh, we're doing this for the people.


Tom, what are you thinking?


That's what's happening.


This is why the system that we have in the United States is so important. Congress and Senate. What happens whenever you hear the phrase coalition government, you say, He's been elected Prime Minister, and now he's going to go build the coalition government. Well, the coalition government often means, and this is exactly what Vinnie just said, let's say this happens, that we've got three parties, independents, Republicans, and Democrats. The independents, let's just call them 20%. The Republican wins, let's say, 51%. If he gets the coalition with the independents and it gives him 70% above two-thirds, they don't even need to ask the Democrats to vote. They get to do whatever they want. That is what's happened here.


They can't filibuster.


Obrador has given her. He says, Listen, I want these five things. You give me these five things. She says, Okay, I'll give them to you. Okay, then I'll pledge my votes to you. Now he has over 66%, which is two-thirds. At 70%, she can change the Constitution because he has given her the votes to do it. There's no more debate on the floor. When they say she has a blank check, she now has over 66% to go change it. That's a coalition government that is common in places not named the United States.


It's very scary to be thinking about people who live over there. It's dangerous. Adam?


Well, I'll just add this because being living in Miami, I can't tell you how many immigrants, newcomers, as Joe Biden will call them, are from Latin America, South America that are fleeing communism. We all know what happened with Cuba in the '80s and even beyond that. But the country that I've seen the most-454. All that, when Fidel came, but obviously the growth of Miami in the '80s. But the biggest growth that I've seen in Miami has been Venezuelans. They are fleeing like crazy. So now I'm wondering how much of the Mexicans are going to be fleeing. We're seeing the open border policy that Biden's put together. But the reason I've been paying attention to Mexico politics isn't so much of the election. We all know that half the world is voting in 2024. I think Modi just got reelected in India. Putin just got reelected out there in Russia, reelected. Joe Biden may or may not get reelected.


Putin is the President for what? Twenty-four years.


I think it's a G. I've been doing this research on the ongoing wars in the world. Because if you look at just mainstream media or college campuses, You just think there's one war and one war only, and that's the little thing going on in Gaza. But there turns out to be wars going all over the world. But in the Western hemisphere, Mexico is probably, other than Haiti, the bloodiest country. Of course. You know, they said that the most deadliest profession, the most dangerous job you can possibly in Mexico is running for office. Over 200 candidates, activists, or officials have been killed during this election season. 200. Imagine if 200 political officials or candidates were killed in America, alarm bells will be going off right here. So it's insane.


Yeah, a lot of lead poisoning.


A lot of stuff going on there. But I'll say this, we're so used to 50-50 elections. All right, 48, 49. Can we even get to 50%? It was a runaway in Mexico. It was 60 to 28. It was a blowout. Wasn't even close. I'm not saying that I'm advocating for this person because she's, I think, a protege of your boy, Amlo.


Yeah, but I want you to remember this.


But she blew this guy.


I understand, bro. But here's the thing, though. Here's what you don't understand. A lot of people that are not from Mexico don't understand. When you go to that voting booth, when you go to those voting booths, especially in the rural areas where that's a lot of the voting, brother, you have The cartel members right there. This is who you're going to vote for. You're going to die. Holy shit. No, it's not. No, it's literal. This is what you're going to do. So when you're saying, when there are blowouts like that, it's intimidation. Could you talk to anybody? Well, I don't say anybody because there's some idiots out there, too, just like we have idiots here. But the majority of the people in Mexico be like, Dude, AMLO is a piece of shit and everything. They can't stand them. But you know what I can't stand? You know how many of my family members in America voted for the Mexican election that live here? So you could go to the embassy and vote in America for the president. That's bullshit. They were doing the finger thing yesterday. You could vote in America for a Mexican government while you're not even living in Mexico.


So there's a lot of that shit going on over the years.


I wonder what America's role since you're bringing this up, America's role in these free and fair elections here. Because as of 2023, Mexico has now become USA's number one trading partner. It was China, I believe. It was China. Thank God, not anymore China. But if you're the United States, if you're the federal government, you see what the hell is going on with all these officials being killed. I mean...


Yeah, but they're not going to cross borders to go and help those guys. Because you're just talking about people that are running for mayor, running for Congress. They don't like them. They just out their ass. Nobody's going to talk about it because if you open your mouth, you're dead. Matter of fact, if a crime happens in Mexico, you're better off not calling the cops. That's what you're- But it's crazy.


Honey, call the cops. Don't do it.


Don't do it.


It's scary. Not only is it the crime and the corruption, but it's now the communism because what What countries in South America are even capitalists at this point? Argentina? Who else is out there? Bolsonaro when he was running Brazil? Not anymore. Now they have Lulu.


Costa Rica, Belize. Both have long been known to be islands of democracy for some reason.


They just want nobody to pay. They are scared for you to mention Costa Rica and Belize. I met a couple the other day in their 60s. Were you with? I don't know if you were. Maybe you were with us. They're like, So where do you guys live? Oh, we live in Costa Rica. How long have you been there? Fifteen years. Please don't It's heaven. It's amazing. We love it there. Really? We don't want anybody to know. Business, we don't have a military. Low key, great for business, great for this. We feel very safe. It's a beautiful place. Don't advertise it. Guess what? We just advertise it right now.


Sorry. That's how I feel about Miami, by the way.


There's nothing going on in Miami, guys. It's too late for Miami. There's nothing going on. Anyways, if you haven't seen Ricky in a while, Ricky is on Manek, you can message him any. You maybe listen to this saying, Man, I like the way that guy talks. I remember he used to be on Back in the Days. You can Manec, then message him directly. Send a video on Manec. Text him on Monette. He'll get back to you. That's his QR code right there. Okay, let's go to the next story. Next story. Kaitlyn Clarke. Rob, can you pull up the foul on Kaitlyn Clarke and what's happened with the frenzy with the market reacting to this? This video is Kaitlyn's about to get the inbound, pass, and then she gets fouled. Go ahead and play this clip, Rob. Go for it. Kennedy Carter now with 12 points off the Look at her.


We're teammates on this house.


Big time cut in as the officials are going to take a look at what just transpired between Carter and Clark. That's a dirty foul. That's not a basketball player, but it's a dirty foul. That's clearly-So you see this. You can stop it, Rob, right there. Then the whole NBA reacts to it. Yesterday on first take, there was this lady on first take yesterday upset with the fact that Steven A. Smith hasn't been talking about WMBA enough for the last few years, and she's calling them out. It got pretty nasty. Rob, I'm going to text this to you. You have this? Go ahead and play this clip. Go for it.


We're talking about them maximizing their great potential. Because we bring that up and talk about what potentially might get in their way, which we do to men all the time, now we got to sit up here and watch every syllabus. I resent that, and I'll leave it at that.


All right, so I know we got to go to break. I know we got to break. Welcome to the World's Being a woman, Stephen A, and how you have to dance about your word choice, and you have to please everybody and anybody as you navigate your being.


We are talking about the world's greatest athlete. How about being a black man?


Being black. Hold on one second. This is what I'm saying to you all, though, and I know we got to go to break, and we didn't necessarily go there, and maybe we should. There are so many layers in this conversation around the way that is being discussed.


When you're right... No, no, no.


And yes, Shannon, I know you all are going to say, and Stephen A, I know you're going to... You just shared that you have talked about the WMBA on your program, too. You guys may not have said everybody, but the prevailing sentiment for folks that are just joining the WMBA and following women's sports is unfair to the women of this league to your point, who have laid the groundwork for Kaitlyn Clarke to come in and now take it to the next level. That's all I'm saying in these conversations. Kennedy Carter's behavior is not indicative of the entire league. We are still talking about competition where you are allowed to get a little extra elbow in if you are competing and you do it within the parameters of the game. The game is physical.


Kaitlyn is helping to grow the These women understand that, but she cannot be babied as a rookie.


That's all I'm at.


Can I say something? Baby?


Who talks about the WNBA?


Who talks about women's sports more than first take?


Steven A, respectfully, with your platform, you could have been doing this three years ago if you wanted to.


Wow. Look at this. Wow. All right, we got to go. You guys. You can pause it right there.


Okay, well, first of all, she's talking all that trash. Could you imagine if it was If that was a white girl, a black, rookie, what would have happened?


But other-White supremacy.


You know Pat McAfee yesterday called Kaitlyn a white bitch. That's right.


He said- Do you have that clip, Rob? Yeah.


While you're looking it up, he said- But it was in a different context. That's what you talk. He said, What the WMBA currently has is what we like to describe as a cash cow. There's a superstar. He said, and that's what he said. Hold on a second. I would like the media... This rookie class-Go ahead and play the clip.


He's got it.


But look at the context. I don't know. With my eyes, I couldn't see if she's Caucasian or not. I think what we're trying to say is, what the WMBA currently has is what we like to describe as a cash cow. There is a Superstar. We're not saying that the players on the court need to act any differently. That's the athletes are going to do what athletes are going to do in any sport. I think we're all learning that WMBA, that's old school football.


That is old school football.


But I would like the media people that continue to say, This rookie class, this rookie class, this rookie class, not. Just call it for what it is. There's one white bitch for the Indiana team who is a superstar. And is it because she stayed in Iowa, put an entire state on her back, took a program from nothing to a multiple-year success story? Is it because she would go on to break the entire points records in the history of the NCAA? Not just the women's record by Kelsey Plum, shout out, but also Pist And Pete Maravich's, the dude's record as well. Is there a chance that people just enjoy watching her play basketball because how electrifying she is, what she did, what she stood for, how she went about going what she went for?


Making a very good argument.


But instead, we have to hear people say that we only like her because she's white. And she's the only popular because the rest of the rookie class is doing what they're doing. Well, that's a bunch of bullshit. And we think the WNBA, more specifically, their refs need to stop trying to screw her over at every single turn. What you have is somebody special.


You can pause it right there. She is special. She's electrifying.


Do you remember we were in here and we were talking to Adam and we were talking about her first game and it wasn't going to be... I don't know who was it. It might have been you, Adam. I was like, It's not going to be packed, and it's going to keep on going. Did you guys see the audience when she got That shit is packed. She is making a change.


Record-breaking attendance. Record-breaking.


I hate this. Guys, they always go to freaking race because she's like, no, she's nasty. The same thing with M&M when you see people that are like, I'm not going to put him in the top 10. What are you, nuts? I don't give a shit about his color. He is nasty lyrically. So you can't, again, with the race situation. It's like, by the way, this girl has pumped life into the WMBA, which nobody was talking about the WMBA just in a joking manner. She has made the WMBA, and they hate it. What's the girl, Peebdi, the number one draft of last year? Was it last year? Angel Rees. Angel Rees was talking crap about her. She's like, It's not just her. What about me? The most selfish interview. You have that one, I think I might have sent it to you. I actually did. She's pissed off because she's like, It's not just about one player. It's about me, too. And it's like, Wait, time out. Nobody... I haven't even seen it. This is the aftermath.


All started from the National Championship game, and I've been dealing with this for two years now. And understanding, yeah, negative things have probably been said about me, but honestly, I'll take that because look where women's basketball is. People are talking about women's basketball, but you never would think that we'd be talking about women's basketball.


People are pulling up to games.


We got celebrities coming to games, sold out arenas, just because of one single game. And just looking at that, I'll take that role. I'll take the bad guy role, and I'll continue to take that on and be that for my teammates. And if I want to be that, and I know I'll go down in history, I'll look back in 20 years and be like, Yeah, the reason why we're watching women's basketball is not just because of one person. It's because of me, too, and I want you all to realize that.


Well, technically, no, no. That's BS because- You got to see the way she walks to Rob.


While he's saying his thoughts, find a clip that I just- Because the thing about BVD, you know what she did when the girl got elbow, she's cheering and celebrating.


That's why they're going to talk about you. They're talking about the girl, that white bitch that is nasty. They're only talking about... By the way, have you even thought of any WMBA game in the past? No.


Especially with this girl. Just watch the way she walks. This may change your mind. Just be patient. Just watch. This one?


What the fuck is going on here, man? That's her.


That's how I walk when I have high heels when I'm doing sketches as a trans. That's how I walk.


I'm just going to... There you go.


Governor Ford.


What are you going to do, Adam? Go ahead, Adam.


That was a good one. Tom's looking for it. It's actually funny. I've just been biding my time out here. Guys, enjoy the next few days of giving a F about the WNBA. I'm going to let you guys in on a dirty little secret. This company, this corporation called the WNBA, is not profitable. They don't make money. They've never made money. They're fully subsidized by their daddy, the The NBA generates $10 billion a year, and they basically give Sadaka or timing to the WNBA. They say, All right, you're doing look, you're looking good. And I'm all for girls doing their thing, playing sports. Okay. But they don't put what you call it the big event, buts in seats. And I get like, they're shoving Kaitlyn Clarke down people's throats because she's a cash cow. Great. They're going to market the hell out of this white chick. Whatever she is, she puts the ball in the hole. But don't get it twisted. Nobody cares about the WMBA. Nobody watches WMBA. I challenge any one of you to name five players who play in the WMBA.


I don't know the five teams. There you go. I don't even know the team.


What team does Kaitlyn Clarke even play for?


How's your point, though?


My point is this is all fabricated. This is all bullshit. The fact that we're even talking about I respect it, it's a non-story. In the greater context of sports, she's a nobody.


Enjoy her shine right now, but this is a non-story. You I don't think she has literally put life into WMBA? Yeah, we're talking about it right now, but I don't think she's going anywhere. And I think she is going to literally turn this thing around, not because of this stupid controversial bump, but, bro, people are selling They're selling out to watch this girl play.


People love celebrity, and they love to watch achievement, and they love to see these new personalities. When I was in high school, I ran cross country. I I was not a starter on the team. I was not there. But I really appreciated track and field.


You gave me linebacker vibes.


I thought so, too, Ricky. I thought he was in a locker room bullying people.


Thank you very much. But let me tell you something, what I love. Do you remember Carl Lewis and Flowjo? Yes, of course. It caused everybody to be interested in track and field. I loved watching track and field on TV. I love watching the relay. I love watching 1,500 meters. People thought it was boring, but there was personalities Flojo and Carl Lewis brought audience to it. Men's swimming. Look what Michael Phelps did. We were suddenly interested, is Michael Phelps going to break another record? Every now and then, these wonderful athletes that also have these sparkling personalities cause you to be interested in a sport you wouldn't normally be interested in. Why can't we celebrate the achievement of an athlete rather than saying, Oh, this is going to come and go, says Adam, because the W NBA is losing money. It is subsidized by the NBA. It is. It's not really watched by people. It's not. Why not celebrate the fact that there's some lift that's coming here and you got somebody doing it?


Tom, no respect. Let me show something before you react to it? Rob, just go to what I just sent you, Rob. Go zoom in real quick. Okay, so check this out. This is major golf TV rating history. Okay? Golf. Masters to the left, PGA, US, Open British.


Let's just see what happened in 1999.


Let's focus on Masters. Okay? Look what numbers you see, 9.5, 5.6 million. No one's really watching it. 10.8, 13 million. Okay, now go all the way down. Tom, we got it, Tom. Glad you're directing here. Go to the first year where he comes in. 1997. Bingo. 20.3 million. It goes up from 12.4 to 20.3 million. What's the point here? One person can change the game and Tiger-Is that when Tiger came in? That's when Tiger came in. Tiger became a pro.


He brought a whole new audience.


He brought a whole new audience. That's exactly what Kaden Clark is doing. So how many people did he make rich? By the way, if you ask me, pre- 1997, how many golfers I knew, the only reason I knew Lee Trevino is because he was the most expensive golf card. It's the only reason. I've never watched Lee Trevino play. I had his golf card, and everybody would brag about it. And he had a few. I'm literally, I'm telling you. Lee Trevino. And then he joins. He gets into it. You're like, What is this all about? You had Middle Eastern on the freaking They don't belong on a golf course.


They were hanging on the sand. They were in the sand the whole time.


They were spending time on the sand, had some real nice coffee and stuff. But what's the point? I think with Kate... And by the way, I still haven't watched the game. So your point, the fact that I haven't watched it, I haven't watched it. The only thing I'm curious about, which you said when we had the conversation a couple of months ago, Guys, she's going to make nothing. She's going to make the minimum wage. Great.


She makes $73,000 a year. But her contract is Nike.


But it's going to change. It's going to change because they had more people go to a Los Angeles Sparks game this year than the Lakers. There was more people attending a Sparks game this year than Lakers. Did you hear about this? When you get people, butts and seats, pay for people changes, cash flow changes. So you're right. But there's one thing that she does that's duplicatable. So check this out. To me, it's not just shoots the ball. Who's the most... Who in the last 10 years, let's not even say 10 years. What year are we? 2024. In the 2010 to 2019, that decade, who was the most exciting player to watch in the NBA?


What decade was it?


From 2010, 11 till 2020. Who was the most exciting player?


Kobe Bryant. Kobe or LeBron.


You know who I would say to me, number one?


For 2000 tag? Steph Curry.


Oh, yeah.


Steph Curry. Steph Curry.


Let me tell you. Honestly, I'm telling you, because Steph was doing something that seemed impossible LeBron is 6'8, 260. You're like, Okay, that makes sense. Are you telling me this guy's shooting the ball, turning grand and walking off? What is this all about? He did it in the All-Star game, and he walks off, and then nick Young tried to do it, and it didn't go in. I think John Wall tried to do it. He I'm going to go, PBD, I never cut you.


I'm going to cut you off. You see what you just did there? What? You just named six NBA players without even thinking about it. John Wall did this, and then nick Young did it.


Swaggy P. What I'm saying to you is I'm making the case study of Steph Not Steph. I'm sorry, Caitlin with Tiger. He's relatable. And all I'm saying to you is you related to Tiger, military daddy. Okay, you related to like, Are you kidding me? You're not supposed to be this big person. This is that duplicatable. And then you're deselectrifying? No. Within 3, 6, 12 months, we're going to see if this is just a fluke or if it's real or not. Thank you. Yeah, I'm with you. We're 100% on the same page there. I'm with you, 100%. The best clip of what I thought, who gave the best feedback on this Caitlin Clark thing, and it's so evergreen to every industry, go to Valuetainments. Actually, a matter of fact, I think I texted it to you. Go to Valuetainments Twitter account. If you can go to Valuetainments Twitter account and Find... You got to go down a minute to... Oh, right there, right there. Oh, shit. You did. Okay. Matt Barnes. Matt Barnes. Watch what he says here. Watch what he says. Rewind a little bit and play.


The hot topic going on right now. Caitlin Clark. Today, she got cheap shotded against sky. I mean, throughout the season, she's been getting beat up. Hard screens, elbows, knocked down. It is what it is.


She's not the first. She won't be the last. My issue and my question is, where the fuck are her teammates at? Where are you all at?


Where are the rest of the Indiana Fever at? I've seen a couple of girls smirch When she got knocked down, half-ass to pick her up. You're all supposed to protect the asset, protect the star.


And all this is the team. She's the star. You always protect your star. I was someone who protected the star. That's right. I'm going to fuck with Kobe, CP, Blake.


List goes on.


I'm It's going to be your problem.


I love it.


Yeah, he was.


You wonder why you sit at the bottom of the league right now is because you all don't protect each other. He calls out the coach as well.


Coaches don't do shit about it.


Players don't do shit about it. You all should be ashamed of it.


The rest of the league is going to continue to test her, and that's what they're supposed to do.


The best clip I've seen from everybody was Matt Barnes. It's good for you.


Good job, Matt.


I'm with you.


Yeah, I agree.


He also protects his wife. Didn't he drive 2 hours one night to beat the crap out of Derek Fisher? Oh. He also protects his wife.


You had to talk. That's my boy.


Speaking of protecting Kobe, his most famous play ever was the inbound play where he tried I'm going to pump fake Kobe. Let me just say a few things. I'm going to rattle it off. You know when a club opens, believe me, I know about the club scene in Miami. When a club opens up in Miami, you know the best time that everyone is the first few months. Oh, my God, the newest club, it's open. And I always say, circle back to me in a year and let me know what this club is doing. You know, 80% of the clubs will close. Circle back to me in a year on Kaylyn Clarke. Ain't nobody going to be talking about this girl because the sizzle will be gone. She's a rookie. She's hot. She's new. Oh, my God. By the way, it's summer. What sports are going on right now. There's a week until the NBA final start. There's nothing going on in the NBA. The Olympics are going to start in the next few months. Wnba season won't be there. When NFL starts, MLB playoff starts, this won't be a thing. So that's great. Enjoy it now.


That's all I'm saying. Appreciate it now. You talk about zombie companies all the time, Pat. They're just keeping them afloat. They're not making any money. How long are we going to do this? How long is this sustainable? Let them fail. They're not going to let the WNBA fail because NBA makes all the money. They're going to DEI this woke agenda all over these females making layups while the NBA players are dunking on people. Enjoy it now. I'm just not a believer that this is sustainable long term.


Listen, we-Follow the money. You know what the market loves? Let me ask you, just to everybody, open-ended. Why do you think it's doing well? I think it's one word. I'm telling you, why did Tiger do well? And he brought all these eyeballs to golf. Why is Kaitlyn doing well? It's truly one word. Hype. Okay, so that's fine, but I don't think that's the main word for me. But let's say hype is one. Because, by the way, the reason why I don't think it's just hype, all-time scoring leader in Iowa. One person takes it to the final. She loses, but they had nobody else. And she scored more points in college than Pistole Pete Marevich. Know who he died in an interesting way. Why do you think it's happening? Why do you think it's happening?


You're picking one word. I want one word. Dei. Is it race? Is it race? Is it race? No.


Is it race? No. Status. Feminism. No. Progressive.


It's one word to me, and it's underdog. I'm telling you because to me, it's like people want to see the underdog give what? Boom, the middle finger. What is like, even Trump, you were like, Dude, this guy's not supposed to be a president. You're thinking, Hillary's supposed to be, Romney's supposed to be all these... You're not supposed to be. America is obsessed with the freaking underdog. It's called capitalism.


Pbd, I've never disagreed with you more. Why? On all our arguments in four years, I fight with Ricky I'm fighting with you right now.


I think you have the hots for king.


Pbd, there's certain universal truths, and I will never back down on this. Tell me what? Women are beauty objects. Men are success objects. Ain't nobody give a shit about lesbians playing basketball.


I'm sorry. She's a lesbian?


They all are, bro.


By the way, can you verify this? We can't say that.


I don't know what she is. I don't think so.


I'm not saying she is. I'm not saying she is. But-i don't think so. But-allegedly, maybe she likes some foods. I'm just saying there's a high likelihood, allegedly, that they're all dating each other.


You know I come yesterday I come home yesterday with Papa and Dylan are watching. What do you think they're watching? Baywatch. Freaking Tenet.


You know what I know they weren't watching?


The WNBA game.


Cj. It's like the Sasha Baran, co-ing. He's like, I was in my hotel room. I saw this woman named CJ. I had to meet her. She was so beautiful. She was the love of my life.


Just to clarify, she's not gay.


She's dating a man player.


She's the one WNBA star that is in the dude. But listen, they were They were watching- Brittany Grinder, lesbian, Diana Tarassi, a lesbian.


They were watching.


But that's even more of a point of underdog.


She's the underdog because she's not a lesbian.


But no, hear me out.


What is happening right now?


A straight white girl goes into a league filled with lesbian blacks and beats their asses.


Her team is one in 100. She's not beating their asses. If she does. They're losing.


If she does. If she does. If.


Allegedly. Why are we fighting about Ricky, you want to grab a beer and come back and have a- Listen, I'm still telling you, I'm not watching female basketball.


But I love any underdog story. And if she's able to go out there and school them, guess what?


I'm going to be there rooting for. We're just hoping she capitalizes it.


Yeah, I think so as well.


Ricky, I know that all the gangbangers in Mexico love the WMBA, bro.


No, we don't watch that shit.


What are you talking about?


By the way, just so you know, we don't have... No, just don't mind.


We don't let women play sports, bro. Stay in the kitchen with an apron on, baby.


This guy literally 10 minutes ago said, I don't believe women should be running countries.


I don't. You're going to be. Well, they can run the courts, Adam. We're alive. All right. All right.


I beat your ass. Let's go to the Anyway, love you ladies. Let's go to the next story.


Anyway, love you, ladies. Adam, that's a straight question.


I love you, pretty ladies.


I think the right appropriate direction to go with this is Diddy. I think that's the best transition here to go into Diddy. First of all, a few things coming out. This guy not going away. You got this movie that's coming out that Diddy and Russell Brand did in the 2000, the video is going viral. Get onto the green. I actually watched that video in 2010. A couple of articles. Where is Diddy? The Embattled Rapper Last seen in Miami is MIA after bombshell exposé, Miami Herald. Blood, threats, and tears inside Diddy's Nightmare Workplace. Notorius B. I. G.'s mom, this is Rolling Stone, I want to slap the daylight out of Sean Holmes. Diddy's missing daughter's graduation amid grand jury news. Diddy allegedly stalked JLo after breakup. Federal grand jury to hear from Diddy's accusers. Eyewitness claimed Diddy allegedly beat college girlfriend with a belt in front of other students. John legend says he's horrified. I mean, all these stories you're looking at. Diddy, 10 takeaways from our six-month investigation. Seven most shocking claims from the... Go to the Rolling Stone one, by the way, Rob, if you can. Seven The most shocking claims from the Rolling Stone exposé on Diddy comes.


It was such a long exposé that the only person at this table that read it was Tom Ellsworth. That's how long it was. Tom actually read the whole thing. Tom, I'm going to come to you right after I read this. The seven shocking truths from the Rolling Stone Exposé. Diddy's abuse allegedly dates back to college. I just told you the story about him. His violent behavior reportedly started at Howard University. Multiple women recall signs of a controlling and abuse of personality. One former student claimed Diddy caressed her back without warning, prompting her to avoid him. Another said he flew off the handle when called out for cutting the cafeteria line. An eyewitness described Diddy beating his girlfriend with a belt, saying he screamed and hollered and acted a stone fool until she came downstairs. He whipped her butt, like really, whipped her butt. Number two, Sister Soulja allegedly warned Joy Dickerson-Neill about Diddy. Diddy allegedly attacked a woman in his own bad boy office. Kerka Burrows, co founder of Badboy, and other witnesses claimed that had heard tear combs off a woman during an assault in 1994. Felicia Newsom, a former manager, recount He wanted holding Diddy back from beating this girl's ass during another altercation.


Oh, shit. Former intern, April Lampros, also accused Diddy of sexually assaulting, claiming he forced her to perform oral sex and drugged her. Four, Diddy slided Biggie Smalls on a post-amice Rolling Stone cover. Check this out. After the Notorius B. I. G. Death, Biggie's death, did he allegedly prioritize his own debut album over Biggie for a Rolling Stone cover. That Now, that's dirty right there. Kirk Burrows recall suggesting Biggie for the cover, but did he insist that, No, he's dead. I'm putting out Kome's debut album, No Way Out in July. I need to be on the cover of Rolling Stone. Did he later acknowledged Biggie's death, boosted his album sales, saying at least 2 million of the 5 million copies No Way Out sold were due to his death. Five, Diddy allegedly broke a chair over the late music exec's head for dating his ex, Kim Porter. Diddy's former private chef, allegedly, he requested a post-coital. What is that, Tom? Meal and- Post-coital.


After sex.


After sex. Meal and greeted her naked. Diddy was allegedly jealous of Tupac and Biggie's relationship.


Fucking guy, man.


Look at that outfit. Look at that outfit. It says a lot.


It says a lot. Diddy was reportedly jealous of the friendship between a notorious B. I. G. And Tupac Shiko. Photographer Monique Bond claimed Pax saw Diddy as a corny executive and had no respect for Puff. Diddy allegedly encouraged Biggie to write beefy songs, including the controversial Who Shot Ya, which escalated the East Coast-West Coast rivalry. Did he deny offering $1 million to kill Tupac despite claims from former crip Dwyane Keith Davis.


I'm just going to be real quick. There was a song in the day by the Logs that called money, power, respect, street love, money, power, respect, money, power, respect. He got the money, he got the power, he got the respect, and he developed basically a Messiah-like, God-like complex. He thought that he was untouchable. He can't do anything. He's a billionaire. I want to say he might be the first Black hip hop billionaire. Was it Jay-Z or him? Jay-z. Right there, neck and neck. But Jay-Z actually has none of these stories coming out. Dre, also a billionaire, has none of these stories coming out. It's so funny what's happening with Diddy? Because this was inevitable. You know the famous poem, The Emperor has no clothes on? Nobody around him told him, Yo, bro, what are you doing? You told me none of his handlers, none of his friends, no one around him was like, Bro, what are you going on right now?


It's not that nobody told him. You couldn't tell him anything. What the fuck are you going to tell a guy that's worth hundreds of millions of dollars or billions? He's going to tell you to fuck off. That's what's going to end up bad. What are you going to tell a guy like that, bro? What are you going to tell? It's not that he didn't.


I don't know. But that's on him. Because I know plenty of successful people, billionaire people, even PBD. They appreciate people around them that say, No, man, I actually disagree.


Yeah, but not everybody's like that, bro.


Well, clearly, he needed that. So maybe word to the wise, if you're that person in power, have some not yes men around you. What's the famous Marcus Aurelius thing? Who did he have walking around him at all times? The Emperor of Rome, he had a slave walk behind him. What? You're not that special. You're not that special. You're not that special. Yeah. You're not that special. Yeah. Did he didn't have that in his life?


But here's the thing, though. How can you see that long list? I mean, the list of crap that he's done and he's gotten away with. It seems to me that anybody that's a staunch supporter of the Democratic Party, rock the vote, go do this. They are protected, and he's literally, can literally get away with murder. You heard Matt Barnes. Matt Barnes goes like this. What, Adam? It seems to me like Democrats-I would hardly-If he voted for Trump, if he came out-I'm going to hear you out. Okay, hold on.


If he came out- I'm going to say one thing and continue. Go, go. I would hardly make this political. Why not? I would hardly say that he's getting away with anything. His life is ruined.


Really? But is he in jail yet? Has he been arrested? Who knows? Well, no. But this is not exactly a good look. My point is, are you ready for this? If he was a Trump supporter, he'd be in fucking jail. Sorry for my language. I had to. He'd be in jail five years ago. Let's not play that game. And Matt Barnes, what did he say over there? Where are her teammates? Where are the coaches? All those girls that have been abused and had their asses beaten, everything that raped, where are the fathers? Where are the friends and the family? Ricky, if one of your daughters, if that was your daughter getting dragged in that hotel, what would you have done?


That guy be dead.


You're going to jail. I'm going to jail. Where are all these people? These family members just sitting there going, Man, I wish they really catch Diddy. Bullshit. Where are you guys at? It is political, Adam, to me because it seems to me one side literally does whatever the hell they want. But if you... Like from Menendez, the guy from Jersey, from all these people. But if you are a Republican, if you vote for Trump, jail, straight to jail.


I don't I don't follow hip hop. What?


Hold on. We're breaking news, guys. What? Go ahead.


I don't follow hip hop, and I'm generally aware of the personalities and the music that goes with it. But when all this broke and when the Rolling Stone article came out, I read it out of just maybe an interest in conspiracy and crime. Curiosity? Yeah. And what I noticed, I start looking at the things. Everybody's screaming about this, screaming about that, screaming about East West, screaming about, did he have a finger on the trigger of what happened with Tupac, and all the things that go with that. Something jumped out to me, facts. I noticed that Rolling Stones said they started their investigation Their sixth month's story that ended up in this huge article with facts. Talked to this person, they said this. Everything they put in there, they were attributing it, not an opinion. So they started doing this December, and I said, Wait a minute. The Diddy raid in LA was March 25th. I went back and looked it up. That was from the cops. You know what it tells me? Something happened toward the end of last year. Maybe it's an accumulation of things. Rolling Stone starts investigating, and the feds start investigating, and then they get the raid on March 25th.


The plane flies empty. What was in there, empty of people. But remember, his plane went down to Florida. Did he met it at Opalaca, was pacing around down there, people were watching him. Something's going down, and I'm waiting for the flower of justice to bloom and show it what it is because Rolling Stone was working on this for six months. In the middle of that, Before the story is even published, after they've got interviews, the feds on March 25th do the raid. Something bigger is below the surface here, and I want to see it.


You told me that yesterday, which was very interesting. So anytime someone's doing an exposé on you. You'll generally know. It's not a surprise when it comes out, because an exposé, in order to be a proper exposé, it means you're doing what? Calling around and asking others. And what happens when you call around and ask others to want to throw you under the bus. One or two people are not going to play games. They're going to be like, No, I'm not with it. And those people who you try to get exposé, who you try to get things from, who are they going to call?


The source.


You. They're going to call you and going to say, Hey, just want to let you know these guys are writing something on you. Be ready for it. Hey, just want to let you know these guys are writing something on you. Be ready for it. Hey, just be... So I guarantee you, not only did Rolling Stone probably call the people that they were calling around called Diddy and Diddy knew that that was it was coming out. You know who else knew? The Fed knew. The Fed and all the people that decided to go after him did not want this to come out after. And then they didn't do anything because they would look like idiots, Okay. So these guys said, Listen, we better go out there and take this guy out now to show strength before Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone cannot come before us. We have to come before Rolling Stone. Anyways, the way you broke that down when you said the six months and two months tells me maybe even Rolling Stone pushed the feds to go and raid this house. Maybe.


Or Rolling Stone heard that the feds were onto this and started writing their bigger story. It could be both. It could be both. And the feds were sniffing around and Rolling Stone found it. Pete Travers was always a really well-connected guy at Rolling Stone. Jan Wynner was always really well-connected. It's very interesting, the stuff that comes out.


Tom, I got to give you credit, man. You might not know hip hop, but you know the music industry. You know what's going on here. You're from the streets.


Tom doesn't play games. He ran track. Tom's from Compton.


Have you seen Tom's Cavs?


Tom's calves are ridiculous.


But speaking of fellow hip hopers-Straight out of North Ridge, man.


That's right.


Allegedly, Kanye went on that rant on the drink champs, and he basically said, Because he's a fucking fed. He I've basically accused Diddy of being a fed. We're talking about this feds here. I don't know what's going on here, but legit, the best point that you made on Diddy is, what's going to happen with this slow drip another month from now? Another month from now. What's going to come out? Two weeks ago. What's going to come out? So let's see what happens here with Diddy. But you're absolutely right. When the feds broke into Miami and LA the same day that was in March, what's happened? The Cassie tape just came out. What other tapes are out there? The one lady said there was a half a billion dollar payment for tapes. Remember we played that a few weeks ago? Yep. Let's see what happens here.


It's not good.


No, let's go to the next clip. Rob, why don't you pull up Rob? Anthony Fauci had a rough Monday. I know you guys sympathize. Tony. Little Tony. He had a rough Monday. Mr. Tony. Sexiest man on Earth, according to the Guardian, had a rough Monday. It's just challenging time. A lot of trolling going on, inappropriate type of stuff. Why don't we start off with the first one, Rob? Go to, not this one, go to the one of MTG. Go to MTG. Not that one, but that one. There you go. Play that Play that one right there. Watch this.


Science. Here, your science is displayed perfectly.


No, not this one, Rob. Not this one. There's one that's better than this. There's one that's her fully doing the whole thing. Just go to Twitter. Just go to Twitter and type in MTG and Fauci. If you go on, there's a full one from the beginning. That's the one, Rob. That's the one.


Can you represent science, Mr. Fauci?


I am a scientist who uses the scientific method to gain information.


Yes or No, that's not a yes or no. Yes, it's a yes or no. I don't think it is. Okay, well, we'll take that as you don't know what you represent. You confess that you made up the COVID rules, including- I didn't hear what you said.


6 feet, social distancing and masking of children.


I never said I made anything up.


You admitted that you made up.


You made it up as you went.


I didn't say I made it up.


So are you saying this is fake news, Mr. Fauci?


I didn't say I made anything up.


What did you say?


I said that it is not based in science, and it just appeared.


But you also told the American people they had to distance by 6 feet. They had to wear a mask. Do you think that's appropriate? Do the American people deserve to be abused like that, Mr.




Because you're not doctor.


You're Mr. I'll catch you in a minute. That man does not deserve to have a license. Watch what happens here.


As a matter of fact, it should be revoked, and he belongs in prison. This was a time in history where you got to throw out the first pitch at the Washington National's baseball game while Americans were forced to stay home and watch such events that they love from at home, alone on their televisions. And what a hypocrisy this picture shows.


Here you are without your mask, with empty seats everywhere.


Remember the cardboard cut-out fans?


That was one of the most insulting things to Americans, having to watch the games from home where you got to go and enjoy the game and sit right next to people, not following the 6 feet of distancing, not wearing your mask, and everyone else was forced to stay home and stop enjoying life. And your science here, your science is displayed perfectly in this picture.


We're children, children in school.


We're put in plastic bubbles because of your science. That's a saxophone player. That's a saxophone player. Your repulsive evil science.


Let's go back to your very own email. You said earlier, you don't use email.


Oh, you do. Right here, this is your own email where you said the typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus.


I do not recommend that you wear a mask. This is your email, this is your own words. But yet children, children all over America were forced to wear masks.


Healthy children forced to wear masks, muzzled in their schools.


Then they were forced to learn from home because of your so-called science and your medical suggestions while you and all your cronies get paid from Big Pharma. You know what this committee should be doing?


We should be recommending you to be prosecuted.


We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.


You belong in prison. Go to the next one, Rob. Go to the one where he gets emotional and he's being asked and he gets emotional in the person behind him. It's the clip right there. Watch this one here. Back up a little bit. Text letters of myself, my wife, my three daughters.


There have been credible death threats leading to the arrests of two individuals. Credible death threats means someone who clearly was on their way to kill me. It's required my having protective services, essentially all the time. It is very troublesome to me.Not.


Rfk, but you, yeah.It.


Is much more troublesome because they've involved my wife and my three daughters.


At this moment, how do you feel? Stage.


Keep your mic on.Terrible..


Do you continue to receive threats today?


Yes, I do. Every time someone gets up and says, I'm responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.


You're responsible for death of people throughout the world. You're responsible for the death of people throughout the world.


You know what the crazy thing about this whole thing is? The Democrats, not one Democrat, not one, pressed him on anything. They were all worshiping him and kissing his ass with all the stuff he did. How do you feel? And by the way, that doesn't do anything for me. He is literally, this guy is an enemy of the people. He sold his soul a long time ago, PBD, and he's protected now by our tax dollars. Your guys' tax dollars protects this freaking... He puts the rat in bureaucrat. Let me say what I have to say, PBD, and I hate for saying this because I'm trying be a good person, but knowing that he has to live in fear gives me comfort. I'm not for the death threats, but the fact that he has to live with what he's done to us, what he did to America, what he did to the world, all the suffering, all the people's lives, all the vaccine-injured people. Freaking Kelly, one of our producers, she's going through it right now because of the shit that these guys pumped up. And these tears don't do nothing for me, okay? And now, because people have threatened him, I don't believe the whole wife and daughters.


Think about all the wives and daughters that died under his mouth and all his rules and shit, and nobody could go to those wives and daughters' funerals. They couldn't go to church. These alligators tears do nothing for me. And it's not like PBD, we weren't warned about him. Rfk warned us in the book. Then there's another guy, PBD, Dr. Cary Ellis. Rob has a clip. He's a Nobel Peace Prize winner and the inventor of the PCR test. He died in August 2019, months before the COVID pandemic. He tried to warn us about people like Dr. Fauci, and he died. Do you mind if I play this clip, PBD? Go for it. Listen to his words.


What is it about humanity?


He's Dr. Cary Mullis, Nobel Peace Prize.


All the details and stuff.


Listen, these guys like Fauci get up there and start talking.


He doesn't know anything, really, about anything. I'd say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope, and if it's got a virus in there, you'll know it.


He doesn't understand electron microscopy. He doesn't understand medicine.


He should not be in a position like he's in.


Most of those guys are total administrative people, and they don't know anything about what's going on in the bottom.


Those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They've got a personal agenda. They make up their own rules as they go.


They change them when they want to, and they smugly, like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people to pay his salary and lie directly into the camp.


What's this guy's name, Brian?


Dr. Cary Mullis. He won a Nobel Peace Prize, and he invented-Nobel Prize, not peace prize.


Nobel Prize.


No, I think it's Nobel Peace Prize, actually. I think he won.


Let's check. There's Nobel Prizes in 11 disciplines.


But let's see if he's disciplined. Which one did he win? He won a Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize. You're right, Tommy. In chemistry. Temistry. So he's not a lightweight. He warned us a long time ago. That's legit, man. Tom, an RFK warned us about him with the COVID. Think about what he did in the book, The Real Dr. Fauci with AIDS and what he suffered and what he did to all these people. And just to recap, this is what happened. They basically figured out that Fauci pursued gain of function research, was responsible for funding the Wuhan lab while everybody warned us of the dangers. The virus leaked from the lab, which ruined the country, trillions of dollars in debt, ruined everybody's lives, killed millions. Fauci and them were paraded as heroes, and Trump was ridiculed for pushing the lab leak theory. Instead of admitting it, Fauci and other doctors did what they could to cover it up. That makes it worse is that these idiots like him accepted millions. I think it was like 700 million in royalties for the vaccine. It drives me crazy, P. B. D. Nothing is going to happen to him, period.


That's what we talked about solutions. I think, Tom, and what do you think about this? We need to have a civilian accountability board that has people like you, that has people like Elon Musk, that has Dr. Malone, that has these people that goes, Okay, one issue at a time. We're not letting this Congress BS get away with it because one side, Marjorie Terry Green, I love her. What's going to come of that? What's going to come of all the facts that we just found out? He is a He's a known liar. He is a Michael Cohen in the virology Department. He's a freaking liar. Nothing happens. We need accountability from the civilians that are well-versed in this field to have him go. That guy deserves to go to prison. Am I right?


I agree with you, but I believe the future looks bright because we are on the verge of an election. The fact that he is in front of our elected officials, enduring a grueling inspection, do I think something will happen right now under the current leadership in the White House and current leadership in Congress in terms of prosecution? No. But do I think that this election is important? Do I think the future looks bright for brave people that want to step up and have a war in commission and really go after this? Yes. I'm confident in the future, but we need an election and we need everybody to participate to do it. Otherwise, you're correct. Nothing will come of it. But the fact that he was in Congress yesterday, the fact that we were laying this on the line, and the fact that so many people are at home are saying, You know what? Looking back through the last four years, yeah, this is effed up. What's going to happen here? Maybe that gets them off to vote for people who can't who can't put a commission together, who can take steps.


I hope so. I hope so, too, because there's nothing to stop them from doing this again, Ricky. Now, they're talking about this bird flu swamphlet.


Nothing to stop them. Comma, at the moment. At the moment. I understand your hire. I understand your passion. I'm with you a thousand %. Just remember, at the moment, because leaders rise up, voters rise up, and then, guess what? It's time to bring justice, and it's time to take a deeper look.


I hope so. So allegedly and at the moment.


Do you have the McCormick- By the way, you see that guy in the background? Yeah. I think he was one of the J6.


The guy on the left? Yeah. No, the one on the right. The one that was behind, he was one of the J6, three years in prison. Oh, really? So he sat him right behind them? Good.


Good. I love that. I wonder who decided who sat behind Fouchy because neither one of them are supporters.


Yeah, and Rakeland was on the left, and he was talking to him after.


Adam, play this clip, and then I'm going to go to Adam. Play this clip, and I'm going to Adam right afterwards. Rob, you have the clip. I texted it to you as well. It's one of the clips that you got right there, that one right there. Just play the first couple of minutes. It's the doctor.


You said in an interview that you gave as part of an audiobook written by Michael Specter, that you believe an institutional make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. Can we run the audio clip on that, please?


You think can be done about it. I have to say that I don't see a big solution other than some mandatory vaccination. I know federal officials don't like to use that term.


Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities, and colleges are going to say, You want to come to this college, buddy? You're going to get vaccinated. Lady, you're going to get vaccinated. Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say, You want to work for us? You get vaccinated. And it's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated. No.


That's what you guys didn't hear. No, no, no, no, no, Holy shit. Yeah, wait for this. Watch what happens here. Keep playing it. Dude.


Only politicians, only bloggers, only conspiracy theorists are disagreeing with you. I want to point out that I'm probably the only member of Congress that actually treated patients during the pandemic from the very beginning to the very end of the pandemic, during night shifts in the ER. Thousands of patients during that time. In 2020, I was censored. My medical license was threatened because I disagreed with bureaucrats, literally taken off the internet. As a person who is treating patients with leading-edge technologies, developing theories, but doing my very best, but being censored by the United States government for the first time stepping in and taking the place of medical professionals as the experts in health care. Any dissent surrounding COVID-19 treatments, mass mandates, and any public policy surrounding the pandemic was immediately labeled as anti-science. I watched as public health officials and politicians I told my patients what treatment options were best for them, regardless of their comorbidities or their medical history. Despite my education and my training and my experience, my opinions were relegated to conspiracy and misinformation by so-called health care experts who had never treated a patient throughout the entire pandemic.


This has been a black eye on the medicine and has highlighted why government should never, never insert itself in between patients and their health care providers.


The American people deserve to make medical decisions through conversations with their physicians rather than politically motivated mandates. Dr. Fauci, did you ever treat a patient for COVID during the pandemic?


I was part of a team that was at the NIH that took care. We didn't take care of many of them.


Okay, so not hands-on.


Got it.


Thank you. Bye. Why would- Next. I be criticized by a bureaucrat for doing my very best as a health care?


This is a rhetorical question. But why?


Why would the government who has never treated a patient for COVID- You can't tell me. You can read all the things you want, but you're not there. You're not seeing patients. You're not watching people die, intubating patients right there with that disease in your face, watching it happen, watching the development of this disease and actually learning from it. But I'm being told by bureaucrats what's right and wrong. What's funny is everything I was censored on, I was proving to be right.


Pretty crazy, isn't it?


Pause it right there.


You said in an interview... Let me Let's really recap. Fauci and them paid for this research, the gain of function in- No, they didn't. We paid for it. Oh, yeah, my bad. We paid for it. With EcoHealth aligned- Just going to infuse the word allegedly.


This is what we're learning. No, no, no, no, no, No, no, no. Tax dollars went to that.


Adam, I love you for doing that. He did it. They covered it up through emails. And then with cajoots, with the United States government, they silenced the professionals that were the leading experts. Robert Malone, who's the other guy? Mccala. Peter McCala. This guy. Think about that, guys. The government said, Shut the hell up. We want this disease. We want this rhetoric. We want this vaccine to come out, and we want to sell it to everybody. So shut up. So that means Congress You mean to tell me the government is in cajoots with Pfizer and big pharma and all these people to sell us this poison that now, and they have zero liability for all the people that are out there, and my heart goes out to you, that are vaccine-injured, whatever Cuomo and all these guys, long COVID, whatever Whatever the hell you guys are going through, look at what they did to you guys. And if you could... Tom, you're saying if this does happen again and you guys believe these people, I don't feel sorry for you anymore. Okay? I don't.


You got to remember, there's also a group of people that really, sincerely don't think they did bad.


That's the problem. Oh, these people? Oh, Fauci? Oh, of course.


No, no, no, no, no, fauchy is God's gift to Earth after Pozole.


You live in California? Yeah. I know California. I know liberals. I know liberals. And some of them were my relatives that had cardboard cutouts in the lawn, and they had fauchy's face on their lawn like he was running for Congress, bro. It's unbelievable, the sigh up, the brainwash that happened. And it just drives me crazy. I think we need accountability. And it would come from a board that's with doctors and stuff that are professionals, the Robert McCullars, the Malones, and put on an Elon Musk. You feel me, J. B. D? Got you.


Adam, go for it.


Yeah, well, I totally understand where you guys are coming from in your anger. You're right, Ricky. You talk about the polarization and the politicization of science. Just look what we're at in the country. Just look at the ratings for Fauci. 85% of Democrats approve of the job Fauci did. Just 19% of Republicans. That It was back in 2022. If you just want to see what the... He hasn't been relevant since basically COVID quote, unquote, ended. But just look at the polarization there. There's a group on one side that is like, No, he did it. He did a great job. He saved lives. And there's the other group of people who are basically like, This guy's a criminal of the highest proportion, so I totally understand where your anger is coming from. It's just evidence of that, by the way, Ted Cruz called him the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country. Bureaucrat, Because he's not elected. Okay? Rand Paul called him the dictator in chief, to Santas, the little elf that should have been kicked off the Potomac. But on the other side of things, Kamala Harris, vice President Kamala Harris said that, quote, unquote- DeSantis called him the little elf?


A little elf. The little elf, elf on a shelf. Kamala Harris, the- But you know- Amazing. Hold on, Rick.


The borders are?


She called him the incredible public servant and saved countless lives. Dick Durban called him a classic example of American excellence. The The polarization, the politicization of science. And this guy is the perfect avatar of the hate and the appreciation the American people have for COVID. Last thing, I have more questions than solutions here. Here are the following questions I had. Who made the most money from COVID.


Candidors in Congress.


Where did all the money go?


Pfizer was huge. Moderna.


Okay, I want to know that.


Johnson & Johnson.


Who had the most to gain and who had the most to lose for doing all this? What are the questions that we're just not asking. By the way, when is China going to be held accountable? Never. Shout out to PBD and the Dave Smith, Chris Cuomo podcast, the 9/11 type commission that needs to be done on this, bipartisan. And Trump had the opportunity to fire him, didn't. Biden had the opportunity to fire him, didn't. I just have a lot more questions on this guy, but everything that he's being grilled on, I fully, fully condone.


Well, not only that, but you got to remember, it wasn't just the jobs. It wasn't just forcing you through social Through social pressure to get vaccinated. You guys, as Pat knows, Nico Castillo, he was in the hospital, and he was about to die. He was getting ready. I mean, he was bad. And they had to sign waivers that if he got worse and didn't take the shots, that they were not responsible for that. So it was like, you go to the hospital, Oh, do you have your shot? No, then we can't help you. So it was not just social pressure. You couldn't do anything without... So that's the part, too, where That when you're dealing with these people that follow people like Fauci, they're so devout to them. They're so... That you can't get them out of their mentality. But I'm hoping that November 2024, people will remember.


You bring up a good point. Just a couple of quick facts. How many small businesses closed? How many the government overreach? 200,000. How many family, legacies, generational businesses never to be seen again? The whole lab, wet market thing, I think it's pretty clear that it most likely came from a lab at this point in Wuhan, of all places, government overreach, everything with that, the mandates, the big tech, the censorship, sometimes it takes time.


But the part you have to realize here, I know you're saying, even with Cuomo, I don't have any statements. I have only, what do you call it? Questions, right? But you have to think about that and say, okay, which side was part of censoring, left or right?


It's not even a question. It was the left.


Which Which side was about forcing people to take the vaccine?


It's not even a question.


Which side was the one that prevented kids from going to school and titled people unessential, whatever essential?


You're absolutely right.


Which side was the one that told people, Hey, if you don't take it, let them die. I don't care. Jimmy Fallon. Which side? Jimmy Kimmel. So Jimmy Kimmel. When you go through this- Horrible. Horrible. You're right. What do you put on the right? The only thing you get on the right side is when Trump created Warp Speed and Pfizer announced whether it Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, that the vaccine is ready. They did it two days after the election was over to make sure that victory didn't go to him. And Kamala Harris said, I would never take a vaccine that's coming out this close, and then they start a program. Everything on the hypocrisy goes on this side. And there's a major sect of people. Yesterday, I'm having this conversation with Tom and Christina Bob, and one of the topics was, who does RFK hurt? The left or the right? Now, some people say, of course, it hurts Trump, right? Some say left. I said, Tell me why you think left. The reason why it's left is because You have no idea how many people on the left are pissed off with the Biden vote, and they want someone else.


Who do you think Komo is going to be voting for?


If I had to put my money on it-If you had to put your money on it. I would say not Trump, and most likely Biden, and potentially RFK.


Okay. Is it not Trump and not Biden, possibly RFK?


It's definitely not Trump.


We know that for sure.


It's possibly RFK, more likely Biden.


Okay. How many people like him are going away from Biden to All it takes is 100,000.


That's right. A hundred thousand. Small %. All it takes is a percentage here, a percentage there.


I do think there's people also on the left that are absolutely sick of what happened during COVID that are like, I can't do this I can. The main driver, if you were to say, Give me Trump's top three campaigns. What's he campaigning on? What's Trump's top three campaign? What's he going to do? Right now, border. Border.


Economy. What else?


International relations.


Foreign relations, peace. He's going to stop the one.


He's going to stop the- He's going to stop the- of the justice system.


Give me Biden's top three initiatives he's campaigning on.


Abortion, abortion, and not falling down the stairs. I'm not Trump.


I'm not Trump.


I'm not Trump is one.


No, he's got an example.


Democracy, abortion.


Threat to democracy, Adam's right. Abortion and be Trump.


Okay, so watch this.


No, honestly, I want us to step back. We're all shouting things out. What have you really seen? I have really personally seen I'm not Trump. Beware of Trump. He's a dictator. So fear, what's the second? And women's right to choose. I've heard those in the last few weeks. It's not been clear.


Fear, abortion. What's the third?


Democracy, abortion. Well, that goes into fear. He's a criminal.


Okay, let's say that. Democracy, abortion, he's a criminal. Fine. What's RFK's top three? You won't be able to think of it. I can't. But you will think about the number one.


The whole vaccine.The vaccine.


That's right. So watch this. How many people on the left have issues with the vaccine that neither side, neither the left, which is who Biden, neither Trump, is really saying, We're going to get to the bottom of what happened with Fauci in China. How many people in America want that to be one of their top three?


Especially, you're talking about the left that are injured. The vaccine, Pat, or the whole idea of COVID?


The whole thing, what happened with Fauci China vaccine.


It's definitely my number one. There you go. Yeah, it's definitely my number one.


And guess who's number one is that? Yeah.




Rfk is number one. That's the part where he's going to play very big. By the way, the more, my opinion, the more they show Fauci getting grilled, the more RFK moves up. That's a good point. The more they grill Fauci constantly, more stories like this coming up, the more RFK is winning. Meaning he's gaining, not winning, but he's gaining votes.


You're dead on with RFK. If I just maybe give a little pushback here, I don't think the COVID vaccine, everything, is in anyone's top 10 in any poll.




Are there people that are upset about you? It's the economy, it's crime, it's the border, it's immigration. For women, it's abortion, it's wars, it's inflation.


Look, thank God- He's not wrong, brother. This is numbers you can look at. But top 10, you don't think? I don't know about top 10. I know it's not top 5, but here's the part.


I could just read this right here.


You're talking about candidates. He's talking about national voter point.


What I'm going to tell you is, how many people do you think it's in their top 5? How many people think it's in their top 3? Give me a percentage.


The libertarian vote, for sure.


Give me a... And by the way, but here's the part that people are not realizing. 10, 15%? I can make the argument to say all of that shit, they've already decided what side they're voting on. All of them have already decided what side they're voting on. But when it comes down to the people that were upset about what Fauci, the government did, the mandates, all of that, what percentage you think that's in their top three?


As a whole?


What percentage you think that's in their top three? Top three? Top three.


10% most at this point in 2024.


That's all you need.


That's all you need. That's the point.


I'm with you.


The point is that's all you need. We already know what the people who hate Trump are going to vote for, and we already know people who don't like Biden who they're going to vote for. It's the 10% that matters, and I think this is going to be an issue that could be coming up depending on how RFK plays it as well as how Trump's going to play. Biden is definitely not going to be playing this card at all.


Can we all agree on this? I really hope that RFK is on all the debate stages. Hold everybody accountable. Can we at least agree with that? You don't want to see RFK on the stage?


I don't have a problem with his argument. I'm hoping he finds a way to get with Trump because in most people's top five issues, both of them combined, all the five are in there.


What do you mean get with Trump?


I hope RFK and Trump find a way If Trump gets elected, Trump can bring RFK in and to say, you're going to lead the commission to go after finding out what happened with COVID. I hope that he is the leading lawyer to go investigate that. Like the Warren Commission, put RFK in the job. The Kennedy Commission.


Can I ask you one last question? Let's say RFK drops out today. Let's just say. Yeah. Nobody knows. He goes into the ballot box and he has to vote for either Trump or Biden. What are the odds he votes for Trump or Biden? She's on Trump.


Odds. Trump. 80% Trump.


Yeah, I'm going 80, 20.


I'm going to go 60 Biden, 40 Trump.


I'm right there with you. I think he leans Biden. I'm going to go 60 Biden, 40 Trump.


If he's not a Trump guy, he would still do that. I know what you're saying. He's not a Trump guy, bro. I know what you're saying, but I'm telling you guys right now. I'm telling you guys right now. I think- I'm with P. I think Trump can make that 60 be the other side of himself. They need a private meeting together. I think Trump can get him to say, Look, you're upset at that. I'll give you the commission. You go lead the way. You are warring commission. Go do it. I support it. But come, and I'm going to be the President. I'm going to need your help. You want to run together? And I don't care who you vote for. Then he's going to be like, okay, but I think today he's 60, 40, but he can be 60, 40. He's the other way around. All right, let's go to the next story. Let's go to the next story. A little bit of a sentimental story here for some of you guys. I like emotional bonds of people coming together. There was this very unique moment with the pro-Palestine protestors clash with pride parade. Rob, if you can play this clip, they're both confused on what's going on here.


I love this. Watch this clip here. This is fascinating.


Hey, they can play the shit of their brother.


She's getting butched. Look at she's getting butched.


So one side is what? It's like gays and terrorists. So pro-Palestine and gays coming together?


Yeah. So this is gay terrorists. And then why don't we ship them all to Palestine?


That's what I'm saying.


Go fight.


Get a one-way ticket to Palestine. Go. One-way ticket to Palestine, see what happens. By the way, so for some of you guys, you can pause us, Rob. It's great. I know you enjoyed, but this weekend...


Rob, put your pants on.


Vinnie may have not been there, but Vinnie did go to a pro because it's June, LGBTQ gay pride convention held at this incredible place. They used to be a place for kids. Now it's more about LGBTQ. They have to probably open. They got to figure this stuff out. Vinnie went to Disney World. Vinnie, tell us what your experience at Disney World was this weekend celebrating Kelly's birthday. The happiest place on Earth.


It was Kelly's birthday. Let's just not forget. I'm a Christian in the Bible, Tom. You could probably quote it. What does it say? Proverbs 16:18, pride goes before destruction in a haughty spirit before a fall. Just the word pride, pride, pride, pride, pride. I think the word pride should be reserved for something that you achieve on your own, that you get... Pat, you should be proud that you built a PHP and you sold it and you're proud. You're a minority for the Yankees because you did it. Being gay isn't a skill. You didn't achieve anything. I think it's ridiculous that it is hijacking an entire month, which, guess what? If you're gay, cool, fine. But I go to Disney for Kelly's birthday, and Nat, her sister's, we all go. We're having a good time. Ricky, I'm not joking. We walked in. We had no idea. It's the first. Her birthday is on May 31st. We walked in and I'm like, What the hell is going on? I'm talking about guys with shirts that are like, Big Bear Club. It's like, a bunch of buff gay dudes, shorts. Ricky, it was unbelievable. I'm like, what the hell is going on?


This is at Disney World. Disney World, okay? Disney World, we went to Magic. What's the Magic? Whatever one?


Magic Kingdom.


Magic Kingdom.


Everywhere. And let me unpack it. We go into the place because the girls want to buy ears. I look, backpacks, rainbow, gay, and I'm like, What the hell is going on? So now we're waiting for the fireworks show. It's like the finale. It's ridiculous, right? I go to Italy, the Italy around the world, to try to get us all pizza. I'm saying there, Two guys, how funny. Two guys named Joey see me, and they're like, Hey, PBD podcast. We take photos. As I'm leaving, there's a drunk gay guy wearing all red. He's next to a guy that has a shirt that says, Not gay, Just here to party. God knows what the hell that means.Not.


Gay for 20 bucks. 20 bucks.Yeah, exactly.


And they're partying on this day.


There you go. So this gay drunk guy, Ricky, he's belligerent, and now he's starting to grab the other guy's ass and trying to bite his neck. And there's kids right there. And I go, Yo. I go, What are we doing right now? And the other sober guy is like, Oh, no, my bad. I go, Guys, not here. I go, That's not the time. So here's my thing. Pride and whatever you want to do, go to the streets in LA. They're butt naked. They're wearing G-strings, assless chaps, dancing in front of kids. This is the happiest place on Earth. The regular people there are kids. Yes, I was there for a birthday with Kelly and on people are like, You're in your 40s. I could still go because I was invited. What does you being sexual and gay at a place that the majority is going to be kids? Can somebody explain that to me? Here's my solution. That whole naked in the street in LA, West Hollywood. What does West Hollywood look like for this month? Be honest. Every weekend, naked people twerking in front of kids.


I think Pasadena calls it, specifically, the Duda parade. Rob, can you look that up?


Tom, am I wrong? There needs to be Guess what? The law, any other month, any other day of any other month, that behavior in the street, what happens to you? Get arrested. If your balls are hanging out, you're getting arrested. Why? This month, it's okay. What does that have to do with you being there?


It's the same reason You know why in October 31st, the girls wear slutty uniforms because they can pull it off on that day because you're not a slut. You're just... That's a costume.


You're not a nurse, honey.


You're not really a nurse.


Yeah, but also, the FBI- You're not really a slutty nurse. You're just a slut. You're just a slut.


You're slut all year long. Just this day, it's okay for you to show what's inside of you.


I think I'm getting a temperature.


I It was a turn off that there was that many just overly sexual clothing revealing. One guy had a dildo straw around his neck, and it wasn't a small one. It's around his neck. And dude, I I had to contain myself because I'm like, Am I going to get kicked out of here? Am I going to be the freaking- That was the best.


Yes, you're going to be a bad guy.


I would have been arrested.


I would have been arrested. Disney Pride Collection. The Disney Pride Collection was created by members and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community The Walt Disney Company probably works with nonprofits throughout the year to support the LGBTQIA plus community globally. Good for you guys, Disney.


Yeah, and what are you going to do? Wait, how's that working at the box office? Oh, wait. Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying. It wasn't just them people. The FBI was in the streets in West Hollywood with a car, an FBI vehicle behind them. They're in the streets because they have all the time in the world. They're not supposed to be going after terrorists, shit like that. Are they recruiting? What are they doing? They I love going after parents that are fighting for books and stuff not to be in school. That's what they do with their job. Also, BMW had a pride thing that was going around. Did you see this? Bmw changed their logo to be Pride Month, but guess where they didn't change it? In the Middle East. The Arab countries, they did not do none of that shit because they know the Arabs don't play that shit, bro. They do not. So think about it. What is Disney doing? For you guys that think that they give a shit about you being gay, they don't. It's about money. You know how many backpacks they're selling? You know how much BMWs, how many gay people are like, Oh, BMW cares.


It hurts me.


They care. Wait a minute. I think Hamas did something for Pride Month. I think June first, they kicked off Pride Month with a special reception on the roof of a very, very, very, very tall building.


Yeah, that's what they love doing. I'm actually starting a movement called Gaze to Gaza, where I'm going to provide transportation to bring everybody to Gaza.


Let's go see how they- This was a... I don't even know if you want to play this, Rob. I just want to get your reaction. Don't play it. I just want you to it. Are they going to see it in the back? They're going to play it or no?


No, don't show this.


Okay, go ahead and play this so the team can see it. Watch this. This is a video recently from a guy that went to, obviously, Pride Month, whatever, Disney.


Where's Is it okay?


Cash. Move a little bit to the right. Boom. You see it? Did you get it or no?


Amen. Oh, yay. What a good wholesome- Seriously. What a good wholesome attitude to have, man.


The fact that Disney is okay with this. I'm kidding. The fact that this is okay with this The fact that this is okay with us is what's embarrassing. By the way, a quick shout out to Rick Walker. Rick Walker gifted 50 PBD podcast memberships. That's pretty good for you, Rick, for supporting Rick. Adam, do you have any thoughts on this before we move on?


Look, June's Pride Day. Pride Month. Pride Month. I'm sorry. But I actually was like, how many other LGBT awareness type things other? Because remember on Easter, it was not just Easter, it was transgender Day of Visibility. Rob, I don't know if you can pull up this calendar. There's 30 of them. I'll just go to March March is B bisexual Health Awareness Month. March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility. We just talked about that. May sixth, Asexuality Day. April 26th, International Lesbian Day. International Day Against Homophobia. Gender Pride Day is in May. Harvey Milk Day, Pansexual Panoramic Visibility Day. June is Pride Month. June fifth is HIV Awareness Month. The Omnisexual Visibility Day. That's ridiculous. There's just holiday after holiday after holiday. Give me a break. Cool. If you want to have a month, It just goes on and on and on. Then there's trans month, which is November.


Gay Uncle's Day.


Then there's Asexual Awareness Week.


Are you joking? Gay Uncle's Day? Wait, hold on.


August 14th is gay uncle's day.


Ricky, look at it.




August 14th is gay uncle's day. Gay Uncle's Day.


Gay Uncle's Day. It It's just like, dude, I'm all for having a month on my day. How many of them are there?


That's ridiculous.


It's insane. You know what's wild, though?


But there's backlash. What's that? Did I give you the backlash? Yeah, go for it. Because there's two stories here. You saw what happened with the Navy Seals because June is actually PTSD Awareness Month in the Navy, the Navy Seals. The Navy's official Navy, US Navy Special Forces page draws backlash for ringing in Pride Month rather than PTSD Awareness Month. Libs of TikTok called it terrifying and woke. They shut down the comment section because basically people were skating.


That's it right there. And then you wonder why the Navy has nobody enlisting and people are leaving in droves. Guys, it's not working, Disney. It's not going to work. Navy Seals. You guys are supposed to be killers.The.






No. They apologize. Here it is, Rob, you have the story. The incident occurred as the Pentagon mistakenly He posted a graphic reading, Celebrate Pride Month 2024, in a tweet that was actually meant to promote PTSD Awareness Month, which they later corrected by replacing the graphic with one appropriate. If you scroll down, Rob, you'll find it. Apparently, they found the guy. No, keep going down, Rob. You'll see. Keep going. There it is. Bing. Okay. Yeah. They meant to say PTSD Awareness Month, but with the pride image.


It's like, what's happening here? If you or someone know a struggle in health is available, what do you mean the pride is in it? No.


Meaning it-Celebrate pride instead of just...


They said celebrate pride rather than, Hey, it's PTSD Awareness Day.


Stop it. You're not a Navy Sealed brand and making a royal screw up like this.


No. But there's actually people giving more backlash. You hear about the bar in Idaho?


Yeah, the bar in Idaho said this is a straight day.


So they said that they declare June Heterosexual Awesome Month. Given free beers. At the Eagle State Saloon, they announced that June, they're given free beard, hetero male Mondays.


There's a lot of closet days.


That's a men's dress like a heterosexual man.


By the way, lie.


15% off for straight couple on Wednesday.


There's a lot of guys in the corner like, I know I'm straight, but... That Navy's whoever, tweeted that Navy seal thing. You know that guy was proud, called all his friends. Hey, guys, listen, I know. I just did it. But just look at the website.


I think the biggest thing is you could be like, cool, great. Pride Month. Awesome. Nobody has a problem. But when you shove it down our throat, no pun intended, with a thousand different holidays of trans and gay uncles. Families are like, what is happening?


Let me bring you back. Sure, sir. By the way, see how stupid this is? Rob, one of the stories I sent you, if you can pull this up, pull up the one about being a Father, if you have that one. I send that to you. Do you know which one that is? Here's a story that comes out two days ago. It's about being a father. Fatherhood may be bad for your heart. Vinnie, look at this. Fatherhood may be bad for your heart. A study shows. Newsweek post this. Everybody posts this. So New York Post has to share this article. Zoom in a little bit, Rob, to read it. Go, go to the bottom. Kids may pull on your heartstrings in more than one. Fathers have worse cardiovascular health than men without kids, according to a new study. Researches from Northwestern University and Anne Robert H. Lurrie, Children's Hospital of Chicago analyzed data from 2,814 men between 45 and 85 and found the health outcomes varied considerably by ethnicity and how old a man was when his first kid was born. For example, men who became fathers under the age of 25 seem to have worse health than other father.


This was especially true amongst the men who were Hispanic or Black. There we go.


The study published in AJPM Focus, or this one used the data, multi-ethnicity And then the men were grouped as being fathers or non-fathers and self-identified as black.


I thought it was going to say self-identified as a father, but self-identified as black, Chinese, Hispanic, or white. Fathers made up 82% of the group. If you can go a lower, Rob. And the data continues, being a dad can negatively impact lifestyle and heart. And this doctor is talking, but young fathers have the worst health. Anyways, do you know when Father's Day is? When is Father's Day?


Usually June 14th to 18th right in that window.


It's in June. Okay, it's in June. No, it's this month. That's right. So check this out. Fathers get one day, mothers get one day, gays get a month, and many other uncle gay days and all this other stuff that you have. Then you're wondering why we're not having many kids. Then you're wondering why Chuck Schumer comes out last week and says, This is why we have to figure out a way to amnesty the 11 million people because Americans are not having enough kids. That's a problem. That's a problem, Rob. Do you have that clip of Chuck Schumer talking about the fact that the reason why we have to have all these, turn these immigrants into legals is because Americans are just simply not having kids. Of course, you're getting these guys to join the-It really said that. You're putting it in front of them all the damn time. Play this clip. This was last week, Vinnie. Now, more than ever, we're short of workers.


We have a population that is not reproducing it on its own with the same level that it used to.


The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers, and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are.


Specifically, horny immigrants.


Basically, what he just said is like, Hey, listen, America, Americans, you're not hooking up enough. We're going to bring illegals in here to bang all your women. Let's do that. Nobody in that audience was like, Chuck, what the hell are you talking about?


Just every time he speaks there, just every time you hear the word worker, just in your head, change it to taxpayer and voter. He's not interested in workers. He's interested in taxpayers and voters.


This is why anybody I talk to that has the right values and principles. I'm encouraging them to keep having kids. Anybody who's got the right values and principles, you want them to have as many kids as possible. Last story before we wrap up, Rob. Can you pull up Alex Jones? This last week, Alex Jones was doing a Twitter Space Live, which now Twitter allows to do video lives, and he had around a quarter of a million people concurrent watching him. Here's what happened. I believe this is one of the clips of what happened there, Rob, if I'm not mistaken.


This is the first. This is him explaining what's going on with the InfoWars studio.


Okay, go for it.


I've been under attack. I've been gaslit. I've had secret federal filings file on me that I'm committing crimes, referred to the justice Department, which, of course, wasn't true. We'd already filed it in federal court months before. They didn't even check this shit. If you're going to fucking frame somebody and fucking lie about them to a goddamn federal court with a fucking know it's already filed in the goddamn court, you bastard.


Hide your kids. So fuck you.


And fuck anybody else that tries to go on your shit. You want fucking war, you fucking got it. I told you one more fucking lie, and was going to do this, all right? I tried to sustain this place. I didn't believe America was as corrupt as this. I didn't believe we were this fucked, and we are this fucked. This country is administratively got a bunch of scum in charge of it. That's why it's going down the tubes, and America and the whole world sees it. So you misjudged who I am, and in a year, millions misjudged who I am, and you have no idea.


No idea.


So go ahead. Try to jerk off some operation to shut the doors here and do that and prove everything I said. It doesn't matter. And I don't sit there and make threats. I make promises. I haven't had time yet to dig it out on my phone, but I will. And you will, at the end of the day, know that Alex Jones, the American Patriot, defeated your evil ass. You guys want to comment?


You have one with him getting emotional. Do you have that one?


Do you think any of them comment it afterwards? No, I'm good. No, Alex, you You did well.


This is the one played this clip. Go ahead.


Yeah, this was worse.


We're going to beat these people.


I'm not trying to be dramatic here, but it's been a hard fight. These people hate our children. Man.


Just take more calls. Go ahead. There's the next person.


I mean, dude, we've been around this guy. Listen, let me explain something to you. The guy is a freaking monster. People are like, Oh, he's not crying for real. That guy doesn't cry a lot. When's the last time you've seen Alex Jones cry? I mean, it's funny. We look at something like that and we're like, Dude, is that Alex Jones really crying? Bro, the guy's been through a lot. Yes, he messed up once majorly.


Ricky, what do you think, Ricky?


I think I think that I'm like that, Pat, so I understand. I understand where he's coming from. I think that I worry for him because when you're going up against powers as strong as the ones that are against us, it's an uphill battle. I think that, man, just from watching him for so many years, he's being sincere about it, and he's really worried about where this country is going. Has he done some over-the-board stuff? Yeah, absolutely. Has he said some stuff that are out there? Yeah, I think so. But I think a lot of people share his sentiment, though. There's a reason why he had 250,000-250,000 people watching live. People share his sentiment. People share his ideas. People are wanting a difference. And I think that... Yesterday, I was driving, I wore a shirt that said, Just a regular... And I got to show it to you. I'll send you a picture of my luggage. Just a regular dad, big, which I'm not a dad, trying not to raise liberals. That was my shirt. I wear it through LA, through Texas, the company here.


I love it.


And so I was sitting next to a guy, a veteran, and he's like, Dude, I love your shirt. He's like, I'm going to I got to say I don't. I just wear it because I liked what it said.


I'm mad. You get people on an airplane.


Even my... Shout out to my wife, Eric. I got six shirts. Anyway, point is that he says, I used to not care about politics. I just fought for my country. But when they started coming for our kids, that's when I got involved. I think that's where... And now they're being open about it. You see these drag shows. We're coming for your kids. They're going to join us. I don't know if you watch the one. They're going to join us. I think that's where people, and I think this is what he's talking about, they hate our children because he brought this up. I didn't care about politics as much. Obviously, I got involved more with you. I was like, okay, but this past two years when they're coming after our kids, it's a whole different... They woke up monster. That people just want to be left alone. I think that naturally, I've always been open about I'm conservative, and I do on the more the Republican side, I don't agree with everything, but I'm a little conservative. And that's when I got... Even though I don't have kids, I have nephews, and I worry. Me and my wife are fixing to have kids.


And that's when I wanted to fight back more. You're not going to do that to my kids. And had they left the kids alone, I think we would have been all right. But they want to shove down this ideology down our throat so bad. That's where they messed up. It's like, dude, I don't care if you're gay. I don't care who you sleep with. I don't care if you're he, he, he, they, whatever, z, whatever you call yourself. But don't involve me in your bullshit. Just like, I don't involve you in mine. But once they started pushing hard, I think that's more Alex. And I think that Alex Jones is just one of many of us that are waking up and say, yeah, we're done with this bullshit. That's what I think. I feel bad for the guy, though, man. To see him break down like that after watching him for so many years, it's definitely a tough situation to be in. But hey, somebody's got to speak the truth. But he was going to get rated, didn't he?


He's the FBA. Yeah, because he's on the radar.


I'm not being hyperbolic. This guy's 50 years old. The way he's acting, the way he looks, I don't know how much time he has left. He is a mess right now. I'm not wishing anything about him. We've had a great time with him in person. He is going through some stuff. Look, I'm in the life expectancy business. I know. Overweight, smoker, drugs, angry, high blood pressure. Dude, this guy is going through some stuff, and I wish him to just... I don't know. But this is who he is. This is the eyeball economy, the attention economy. Does anybody do a better job of getting more eyeballs than him? No. The thing that I don't know about Alex Jones is what's What's real and what's a show? He's a showman. Even part of his trial, when he was on trial for the Sandy Hook thing, even the judge, they were just like, Are you acting right now? What is happening right now?


Let me ask you this, though. I don't know. There's a guy that's doing this for show. Does he take it that far? I mean, do you take it that far? It seems like a little bit too drastic to take it.


Do you think he's the type of guy that when the cameras are on, he hypes himself up a little bit? Do you think he's that? Who doesn't? Okay.


But I think this guy's a true believer.


I agree with that.


I want to ask you this.


Do you think he's a true... Adam, do you think Alex Jones is a true American Patriot that is willing to die? To die. Yes, I believe so. I know you do. To die, Adam, to keep this going. Because me, personally, I would rather die free than live as a slave. And this guy, okay, he's made mistakes. We talked about that. But it's consistent with the message of America first. And we know if you have that attitude, they come after you. And guess what? He is on their radar. Alex Jones, if you don't think the higher up, the powerful, know who Alex Jones is, and his voice resonates with the people, with the MAGA.


I'm fully with you. Last point, when you have that much pressure on you. It's hard. The feds, he owes $1.5 billion.


And he's still talking for us. Okay.


I don't know how he's going to pay this off. They're talking about having to liquidate Infrawares. I think his company top line revenue is like 10, 20 million. He's selling the supplements. He's doing the pills. He's selling the merch. They're talking about having to pay back 50% of his profits. They're talking about a couple of million bucks to the family of Sandy Hook. They called it, quote unquote, HBO's new docuseries that came out, I don't know, like a month or two ago. They said it's the most egregious case of defamation in American history. I've spent time with the guy. We spent that time. I enjoyed the guy. But I think for most Americans, to be candid, when they think of Alex Jones, they think of Sandy Hook, they attach it to that. Yeah, one big mistake. I would like to see his favorite Billy ratings.




So a couple of things here. He's been a guy that's brave enough to speak to power. And some of the things he has said were level.


Anything new from what? Because everybody said the same thing. Any new angle you got, Tom, on Alex, what are you thinking? Okay.


I do have one. And it's like, I really wonder If the showman is using just things that are going on in terms of company bankruptcy, and they're coming to lock the doors and take the assets like they do in bankruptcy. It's like a repossession. They do that to your house. They do it to your car. If you don't pay your lease, they'll come lock your front door and say, you're finally evicted. Is there just a normal bankruptcy process going on in the background? And he's using that. And once again, this is bombastic showman because there were people out there that were saying, well, wait a minute. I don't love him. I don't hate him. But there's a bankruptcy going on. Is he just using it?


Yeah. So meaning using the bankruptcy to come into... We have a guy locally that's going through what we were talking about yesterday that, hey, as of this day, it's We're selling it. It's not on you selling it anymore. It actually has to do something with you as well. You were a part of it when you and I walked in somewhere. Don't say anything. When me and Robert went to one of them. Oh, yes. That just got finalized, by the way. No shit. Two weeks ago. No shit. Yeah. It's like finalized for that.. This is not the city. This is state federal. When you're going through that, if you're using this to get sympathy to sell another story, what you're doing is it's hurting your credibility score more and more and more if it comes back and they say, That's what's going on. But okay, so let's play the next card. Here's the next card before we wrap up. Say he runs out of money. Say there is nothing else going on. Say they shut it down. Say Infowars is gone. What does What does Alex do next? Where does Alex go? What does he do?


Does he stay as an independent podcaster? Is the government going to want him to keep working to make money so he can pay off whatever other debt that he has? What does he do next time?


I think It looks like Jerry Springer and like Morton Downer Jr. Guys that had their moment. They were bombastic. The show went off. They lost their production company. I think Morton Downey Jr. His production company went I think, if I'm right, then you have a bombastic personality who's looking for the next microphone. And is there somebody out there that would give him a microphone?


Go ahead.


I'm not wishing him anything ill will. I just don't see anything good happening here. You owe $1.5 billion. His networth, apparently, is $9 million in assets. The government's coming after him. The family's coming after him. They're seizing his assets. They're going to liquidate the company. Is there a market for him? Sure. He gets eyeballs. The pressure this guy is going through, I don't mean this like, I don't wish anything bad about him. I would not be surprised if something happens then soon.


No, I look at it like this. You owe somebody $10 million, you're in trouble. You owe them a billion and a half dollars, they're in trouble. There's no way you can pay that. They can't squeeze that orange to the end of time.


They're going to squeeze the hell out of them, Tom. They're already squeezing it. Because it's not just the government, it's the families. They have a class action lawsuit. They've had their court case.


They've had the judgment.


You think anyone is dropping this ever? There's dead kids involved, Tom. That's not what I said.


What is this situation? Calm down, princess.


That's not what I'm saying. Tom, you got to do better than that, bro. I mean, you're saying dead kids. You think the family is going to drop this?


I didn't say that. You said that. You were doing to me what you do to Vinnie. You throw a bunch of words in his face. You try to create this holier than that.


Tom, I love you.


I know you're having your moment to be angry.


I'm not letting you do it. I love you, Tom. I'm saying the The reality is the family's never going to let this go. You're making this personal. I'm talking about Alex- No, I'm not. The court case is over. Tom, calm down, princess.


The families have to wait for the court to go assimilate the assets. The families are the victims. These horrible things What does it happen to these precious people.


Tom, I'm going to take you for lunch. Calm down.


No, you don't need to take me for lunch. It's all good.


Rob, just do me a favor for whatever. Call security. I'm not here for it. For the moment, we go.


We have to be careful with this. Tom's getting all hip hop on me, man.


Okay. All right. Anyway, We'll see what's going to happen there. I think to a lot of people who have followed Alex since the beginning days of what was it? 24 years ago, 23 years ago, 24 years. I mean, this guy is in this space of podcasters, creators, of guys that would go through different types of stories and all this stuff. He's one of the O'G's, and there's a lot of people. He's got a lot of influence. You love him or hate him. He's got a lot of influence over a lot of people that today are in their 30s, 40s, and '50s. And many big podcasters like to invite him. I don't know how many times Joe has had Alex Jones on. Oh, gosh. He's been on Rogan, Piers Morgan.


Can you look at how many times Joe has had Alex Jones on?


I'm actually curious. How many times- One of your four times, maybe? No. No. Really?


He lives in Austin, by the way.


He lives in Austin.


How many times has Joe Rogan had Alex Jones on?


If I had to guess, nine times, eight times.


I would say-Eight or nine. Whatever the number is. Anyways, it's many, many times. Okay, gang, wrapping it up. Angri Patriot. Rob, go back to it. Angri Patriot shirt, black, green, and the other color. Show all three colors, Rob. If you got a black is one, green is the other one. It's a little large, I think. Then show them. Ricky, we'll send it to you. Then show the other one as well, Rob. I only have black and green. Black and green, angry Patriot. Go order them Before they sell out, Future Looks Bright. We have that for you. Again, if you're an angry Patriot like Ricky and Vinnie, sport the gear. If you enjoyed Ricky being on today, Rob, show Ricky's Manec. Manec, let him know you enjoyed it. What did you like about what he had to say? Stay close with him. Ricardo Aguilar is the username on Manec Ricardo. Not Ricky, Ricardo Aguilar on Manec, and that's his QR code. Gang, Rob, what do we got? We got something tomorrow or is it Thursday, Rob? Thursday. Next podcast will be Thursday. Take care, everybody. God bless. Bye, bye, bye. Bye, bye.